The Proposal

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Today was fucking awful. A wave of heavy rain filled the streets, the wind causing the trees to dance slowly, and if that wasn't bad enough Bram's planning was late by pretty much half an hour. He could perfectly be overreacting, but he had a gut feeling that today was going to be ruined somehow; it was as if the universe was telling him not to go through with today like it was meant to be a disaster. The fact that everything was so delayed made him stressed, and the fact he was stressing over this made him even more stressed because Bram needed everything to be perfect; the lights, the restaurant, the food and even the way the tables were aligned, even though they were going to be alone for the night. He kept taking deep breaths and counting to ten, — that usually helped. Ten, nine, eight; he paused feeling something buzz against his leg. He ignored the sound, continuing his countdown. Seven, six; he inhaled deeply. Five, four, three two... he felt his phone vibrate again and he took his phone out of his pocket with a sigh. "Simon" the screen read. Shit.

Simon thought today was date night, which technically it was; for Bram, though, it was so much than that. Today, after almost three years, Bram was going to propose. He wanted to cry just thinking of it. He was so ready for this to finally happen. Today just could not go wrong. Bram took a deep breath before picking up and tried to calm himself down, "Babe, hi," he said, softly. Simon's voice was soft and calm, on the other side of the line and Bram couldn't help but wonder what his voice would sound like after he was proposed to. Would he cry? Would he be speechless? Would he even say yes? Dear God, Bram hoped he said yes so fucking badly.

"Bram, did I lose you? Hello?" Simon said. Bram hadn't even noticed he was lost in his line of thought. He cleared his throat, "Yeah, hi, sorry. What were you saying?" he asked quietly.

"Are you okay?" Simon asked, "You sound a little jumpy, today."

"No, no I'm fine, I'm perfect actually," Bram said letting out a chuckle. "So what's up?" he said.

"Are we still on for tonight? The reservation's at 8 right?" Simon said with an exciting and hopeful tone on his voice. Bram's heart couldn't help but take a leap. The fact that Simon was so excited made Bram both nervous and hopeful. So many things could go wrong tonight. But Bram couldn't think of that right now. He just needed to focus on planning and making sure tonight went no less than perfect. "Actually, about that, I think it might change to 8:30, is that okay?" Bram asked a bit hesitant.

"Yeah, of course," Simon responded softly, "8:30 is great. I love you,"

"I love you, too," Bram said before hanging up and chuckled before turning to his audience.

"Okay, everyone," Bram said. Leah, Abby, Nick, and Garrett stood in a weirdly but perfectly aligned line and smiled tenderly. They were in Bram's parents' house. This was a weird concept overall because neither of them had been here before. The gang had been in Bram and Simon's place tons of times, for sleepovers, birthday parties, or simply because they felt like spending time together, but none of them, besides Simon, had been to his childhood home before. Meeting here was kind of the last resort, Simon was at their place trying to get some work done and he couldn't really think of anywhere that wasn't suspicious. Bram thought of Simon's parents but he was pretty sure Emily was going to slip. He remembered how they reacted when he asked for their permission and he could quite hear Simon's voice in his head saying "I told you, they make a big deal out of everything." Except, in this case, they were right to because this was a big deal, a huge deal, actually. He sighed.

"For this to work I need you all to keep your mouths shut! That means you, Nick, it's a secret no one says anything until after tonight, got it?" He asked and everyone nodded politely. Bram usually wasn't this bossy or snappy with people, but his nerves were so all over the place that they were basically taking over his body and his actions. He let a sigh escape his lips, "I'm sorry I'm kind of bossy. I just... it's just today is just sucking so badly. The weather is shit, for starters; there was something wrong with the restaurant and apparently, it's not going to be ready in time and this is just a lot."

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