Flashbulb Memories

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An odd smell filled the room as Bram woke up. He couldn't quite make it up but he thought maybe it was breakfast being made. He didn't think about it too much. As he slowly opened his eyes, Bram found himself feeling estranged. It wasn't his first time in Simon's room; after all, they have been dating for a while but, still, it was strange waking up there. Simon's room wasn't exactly tidy, it wasn't too messy either. There were posters on the walls, — mostly Elliot Smith's— and a small bookshelf, for some reason Simon always kept Oreos next to his bed. "It's always good to have snacks nearby" he'd say when Bram asked about it. Bram had slept for the third night in a row at his boyfriend's place and for the first time, Simon was nowhere to be seen. He looked around the room and let out a groan when he turned to see the clock displayed 9:45. Why he was up so early on a Saturday was beyond him but he knew that if he turned back to bed, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again.

He got up, feeling kind of sleepy, still, and followed the smell downstairs to find Simon looking confused over the pan as he struggled not to spill everything over. Simon was never really good when it came to cooking, and it always made Bram's heart skip a beat. At the sight of his boyfriend trying not to make a mess in his kitchen, Bram fought back a chuckle. Simon's kitchen was quite nice; everything was organized and set in place. It wasn't anything too fancy but it was cosy and, for some reason, it was starting to feel familiar, just like Simon's room. As he was watching his boyfriend, Bram could feel himself smiling and his skin blushing, even though he was trying not to. It was quite the view, Bram thought, his boyfriend and the sounds of eggs frying and, in this case, miserably failing to.

"Fuck!" Simon cursed loud enough for Bram to hear. He let out a sigh while he mixed the eggs in the pan. That was enough for Bram to walk silently to his boyfriend holding him softly. He kissed his neck slowly as he sensed him ease in his arms. To Bram, there was no better feeling.

"Good morning," Bram said against Simon's skin. He could feel Simon's skin getting chills. As soon as Bram's lips left Simon's neck, Simon turned around immediately kissing his boyfriend softly. Try as he might, Bram couldn't let go. He pulled his boyfriend closer to him holding the back of his neck and massaging it slowly. Simon let out a gentle moan against his boyfriend's lips before pulling away. "Eggs" he whispered making Bram laugh.

"Also," he added "you weren't supposed to up yet. I was making you breakfast in bed."

Simon groaned at the look of his breakfast. "Well, you weren't really succeeding at that," Bram said motioning to the pan and as he did, Simon rolled his eyes. "Babe, please, get away from the stove. I don't want you to burn yourself." He said, pausing for a second "Or the house."

"No," Simon said turning to the stove again "I have a plan for today. And it involves me cooking you breakfast which I was supposed to take to bed for you to wake up to, but since you're already up—"

"Since I'm already up, you don't have to cook it anymore, let me." Bram interrupted as he started kissing his boyfriend's neck again. Once again, Simon's shoulders were at ease.

"No, sit down," Simon motioned to the table so that Bram would sit down. Bram opened his mouth in protest but Simon kissed him to shut him up. "Clever," Bram said against his lips and moved to sit on the chair, dragging Simon by the hand.

"Let me," Bram said in a whisper. Simon rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine," he said as he seated on his boyfriend's lap kissing him softly.

"But," Simon started "I get to decide what we're doing for the rest of the day. And I have a ton of plans." This caused Bram to arch an eyebrow. He let out a chuckle when Simon tried to copy his movements. "Go on," Bram said.

"You'll cook me breakfast," Simon said with what seemed a relieved sigh; maybe he was relieved by leaving the stove, "and then we'll watch a bunch of movies, and then, if you want, we could go to the dance together," This year their school decided to organize a Valentine's Day event. The group had decided it was pretty cheesy but deep down Bram would like the idea of him and Simon slow dancing to cheesy songs. The words "dance" and "together" in the same sentence still caused Bram's stomach to twitch. Most kids at school were okay with Simon and Bram dating but it still scared Bram a bit to go as a couple. He didn't know if this also concerned Simon but the look on his face must have been obvious because he heard Simon sigh.

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