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Who pranks you and how -

Aries - Eyeless Jack - He made you "orange juice" but he used the cheese packet from Mac & Cheese instead of oranges.

Taurus - Slenderman - He gave you a caramel onion.

Gemini - Ticci Toby - He duct taped air horn to your chair and behind your door.

Cancer - Jeff The Killer - He printed and posted pictures of Nicholas Cage everywhere.

Leo - Clockwork - She scraped out the vanilla from your Oreo and replaced it with toothpaste.

Virgo - BEN Drowned - He gave you a mayonnaise filled donut.

Libra - Masky - He placed two cups of water upside down, so if you pull them off, water will go everywhere.

Scorpio - Candy Pop - He covered your car with post-it notes.

Sagittarius - Kate The Chaser - She switched all your keyboard buttons around.

Capricorn - Zero - She put mentos in your ice cubes. Don't have any soda.

Aquarius - Sally - She put googly eyes on everything in your fridge.

Pisces - Puppeteer - He put a troll face under your computer mouse so it doesn't work.

Creepypasta Zodiacs #2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now