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I was just making my way out of the city and on my search of the shack southwest of the city when I heard Klayton hollering up at me while riding on his motorcycle. I gave a deep sigh as I lit down in front of him as he parked his bike. He walked over to me and asked me if I enjoyed making that bastard suffer, and if I got any new information about the other guy or Johnny's location. I told him I was just heading toward the answer to both of his questions, because I was almost positive that his brother is going to be the guy with the tattoo on his neck, and Johnny was going to be there at the shack with them. Klayton looked at me and said questionably them?

I looked down at my feet and said that the bastard I killed told me that his brother and sister were living in some shack around here somewhere and that they had my son doing god knows what to him. Klayton gave a slight sigh and told me I needed to get back into my human appearance and hop on the back of his bike so we both could find this shack and his nephew, because if he flew in there like he owned the place and if Johnny was still there and alive, he would be scared to death of me if he saw me like that. For as much as I hated to say it, I knew Klayton was right and it wouldn't make me any less vulnerable because I was still the supernatural being just hiding my appearance.

So I tucked in my wings and made myself look like my old self so my son wouldn't be scared of me when he saw us. Klayton took all the back roads searching thru all the old shacks that were on each side of the road trying to find one that was actually inhabited. It wasn't until we both slowed down on the bike when we both heard a dog barking, which meant we were close to a place that was being lived in. Then we both hopped off the bike and slowly walked around the small sand dunes and looked toward the south, and sure enough, there was a little shack that had smoke coming out of the chimney. Klayton got a little excited when he noticed a whole bunch of kids toys laying around the shack and a dog house with a chain attached to it. 

We both took just a little closer of a look when a very sexy young lady came out of the shack dumping out some water out of a pot then setting it out on the wooden stump to cool before taking it back inside. Klayton and I both heard the squealing and laughter of a little child from inside the shack which made us both look at each other inquisitively, for we thought they would be torturing Johnny and instead he was laughing. Moments later we both saw Johnny run out of the shack squealing with laughter as a large dog was following him and a man chasing after both of them on all fours making all kinds of silly noises. I looked over at Klayton as I told him they loved my son and were taking care of him. I looked back at the shack again and saw the girl come out again telling them all that it was time to come in and stop horsing around. 

It really caught me and Klayton off guard when we heard my son calling that man uncle Luke, and my eyes really bugged out when I heard Johnny call that girl mommy. I saw right then that not only were they taking very good care of my son, but he loved them right back as if nothing ever happened to him. I sat down a little heartbroken and asked Klayton if I should even bother with showing myself to my son because by the way he was acting he wouldn't even know or recognize me, and he really was happy being with them. Klayton grabbed me and slapped me on the head and told me that it happened to be my son down there and his nephew! And he wasn't about to let all that go just because they were having fun down there! Johnny was ours and belonged to us and needed to be back home where he belonged.

I looked over at them once more and quickly noticed the man after he stood up and I saw the tattoo down his neck and knew it was the other man I was looking for. I momentarily lost my train of thought and flew down the sandy hill and in their front yard with Klayton running right behind me with his gun showing but not pulled out. Johnny saw us and his first instinct made him run right into the girl's arms while pointing toward us. Luke put them both on the porch but after he saw me he knew exactly who I was...and dropped down and looked at me in shock and said it was impossible! 

I stopped a few steps in front of him with Klayton looking around him at Johnny and smiling at him. The way we were looking at Johnny the girl got the feeling that we knew him and that he somehow belonged with us. She stepped off the porch and moved over to Luke and asked Johnny if he knew us. I forgot all about my hatred for them and dropped down to my knees and looked at my little boy looking at me as if I was just a mere stranger, and I asked him thru tears if he remembered his own daddy as I held out my arms for him. Klayton sat down beside me and removed his bandanna from his head and revealed his mohawk because Johnny for sure would remember that on his uncle Klayton. But he looked up at the girl with a very confused look on his face and began to cry lightly from insecurity as if he didn't want to have to choose between any of us.

*MYSTIFIED* {A CRISS ANGEL FANFIC.}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя