Cute little Constrictors (William x Parselmouth!Reader)

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(K, this gonna be a long ass oneshot my doods, so hopefully it ain't 3AM when you're reading this lel, and it's gonna be an demon of a story to write, and Satan himself in revising parts & fixing errors in grammar n' shit)

It was just a regular Monday at Freddy's, you were a Chef/Cook, and you were doing your thing. Someone at Table 8 had ordered a large cheese pizza (Cheese is honestly the only pizza I'll eat irl)

12:50, 10 minutes before your shift was over, as you took the finished pizza out of the oven, placing it in it's box & giving it to table 8. You went to pack up, 5 minutes had passed. You picked up your pink bag with Hello Kitty on the right side, white lace & ruby colored ribbon with bows.

You turned your head as you walked to the bathroom, seeing the guards watching over the kids & people, William & Jeremy were getting into some sort of trouble, FRITZ? Why was he helping those two?! You stared at Willi a little more, BECAUSE DAMN THAT GRAPE IS HOT! He wasn't super ripped like some would fantasize but maybe a little bit, but had a nice hourglass figure like you did, only you were duh, more feminine being a woman. then turned away walking into the ladies' room. They were giggling about something. You went into the stall to change, getting your clothes out of your bag. As you took off your shirt, a "fly" came into the stall, and sat on the stall door, "Eh, just a fly." You had quickly realized that the fly had been a camera, the ones you get off sites for mischief? Was probably William's Idea, that British, green-eyed brunette was a pervert.

You took off your chef uniform & your bra to change into one that'd look like a blouse for your outfit if it happened to show by accident, the fly flew around your chest a little bit, before landing on the top of the left wall of the stall. it rubbed it's hands together like they do. You clipped on your pastel pink bra on, your bust was large, you reached into your pink bag, grabbing your sweater, which was light pink, with again, a slightly faded Hello Kitty. It had a cutoff at the shoulders, luckily your bra was strapless so your outfit worked, slipping on your queen pink jeans, as the fly buzzed around your panties and then went away. Your charm pink flats with pink roses on them matched. Little bit of a fashionista, huh? (I'm the fashionista one here considering I know far too many shades of different colors ahaha I have no life)

You walked out of the bathroom, walking past the guys again, who were blushing & giggling. As you headed into your pink 1959 Eldorado Biarritz Cadillac, driving off. Arriving at your home, you pushed the gate opener and drove up the hill to your driveway. You went into your home, the one you used a small amount of your parent's money to build, they were rich, but then they died, leaving you their estate, fortune, and belongings. You sold the house, and anything that didn't match your cute, pastel, girly aesthetic. The entrance had two grand staircases, which underneath the base of their half-spiral up to the indoor balcony, which had a white wrought-iron fence, were vivariums containing snakes.

Constrictors to be exact, as they are most commonly kept as pets and are a much, much better choice. You had been raised with snakes, as it was protection, the snakes had gotten used to you, and the particular snakes chosen for you were very fond of attention. Like any animal, they all have their unique personalities. It also taught you not to be afraid of them, in fact you found them adorable! In any shape or form, most animals, even snakes have a tendency or trait in appearance or personality that comes off as cute.

All species have different traits, and each making them special. Hognoses get cute little puffy cheeks when they drink water, they are tiny and sometimes try to burrow into things like carpets or jackets, which is very cute! Their appearance is quite adorable too, their little faces are just so lovable! You had learned to know how to handle their individual personalities and species, the reason they're known for being "vicious" is because they will strike or attack in some way if they feel threatened or angry.

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