+5: Wrapped Around Your Finger - 5 Seconds of Summer [REQUEST]

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+5: Wrapped Around Your Finger - 5 Seconds of Summer [REQUEST]

Request from @lolmikey


The room was filled to the brim with people. Catching up. Chatting. Remembering their school years. Laughing with old friends like no time had passed at all. Alcohol was passed around like water on a hike, everyone poisoning themselves in search of a good time.

Jim hadn't missed a single one of his school peers. But he'd come with his boyfriend anyway just because he wasn't going to be that one person that didn't show. He wasn't ashamed of where he was in life now and he didn't much care if the people he had to share a school with cared about his chain of four star restaurants or not. He'd had a few people approach him, saying things like 'oh my god, I love going to a Moriarty's' and 'I wish there was one closer to where I live'.

He couldn't care less about them. He was here for one person (and he was only pretending that person was his boyfriend). He was really here for Sherlock Holmes, the one that got away.

They'd been friends for most of their school years and when the time came for them to part ways for university, Jim made a move on the boy. There had been tension between them for a long time and Jim didn't want to let Sherlock go without even kissing him. They ended up having one night together and then after that Jim never heard a word from the curly haired heart throb. He avoided him for that last week of school and was soon off to university.

Jim moved to Cardiff, where he got lucky and kick started his business. It was small at first but over the years they became more and more popular and now there was a Moriarty's in most parts of the UK.

He moved again, to London, where he heard all about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. London was also were Jim met his boyfriend, Adam, but if he was being honest he stayed with Adam because he was a pretty boy and Adam stayed with him because he was rich. It was far from a relationship filled with love.

Despite hearing all about Sherlock, Jim never ran into the other man. He followed everything that happened to Sherlock (the stuff that got revealed to the public, anyway). It was almost obsessive the way he did it.

Jim had cried when he read about the Richenbach Hero jumping to his death. He didn't believe for one second that Sherlock was a fake. Jim had bitterly sneered that he probably did it for that 'John' he was always with and that Moran forced him to do it all.

When Sherlock returned from the dead and announced to the world he'd survived, Jim's heart had almost burst out of his chest and he'd jumped for joy. It was the happiest he'd been in years.

After his return, there was some coverage of a few cases but not as much as before. Things had been quiet for almost six months.

This party.. Well, it was Jim's only hope of seeing Sherlock again.

It was a long shot that he'd show up though. He wasn't the type to mingle when they were younger.. but he'd always been the type to boast and show-off. Jim hoped that would bring the detective here. That he'd turn up just to show-off how great he is and was doing now.

All Jim could do was hope.

While he waits, Jim has a few drinks and tries to decide what to do if he does see Sherlock. Does he go up to him? Or does he wait to see if Sherlock will come up to him? And then, which ever way it goes, what does he say?

He'd considered a number of different approaches. From 'long time, no see' to 'my hotel isn't far from here'.

Turning to the table full of drinks again, Jim looks towards the door (it was a habit now) and he froze. Sherlock stood there, looking flawless in a dark grey suit and deep purple shirt. His hair was perfect, his curls longer than when they were younger but exactly how Jim had seen them in his newspaper pictures.

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