Their reaction to playing 'Granny'

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You, the reader, persuaded your beloved boyfriend to play the horror game 'Granny'.

America (Alfred F. Jones):

"(Y/n), a-are you sure this g-game isn't scary?" Alfred cautiously looked over at you. You smiled innocently. "It's a horror game, Alfred. But I'm sure it's not that scary. Besides, aren't you supposed to be the hero?" Alfred managed to grin at that. "Of course! And heroes don't get scared!" You smiled once more and grabbed your Ipad.

You unlocked it quickly and clicked on the app's icon. "There. I'm gonna go and get some snacks. In the meantime, you play the game." You stood up to leave, but Alfred grabbed your hand in a desperate attempt to hold you back. "A-are sure that y-you want me to p-play the game... a-alone? I mean!- what if you miss something?" You giggled then pecked his cheek, "Nah, it's okay. I can always play the game myself. Want me to get you something?" You asked him.

"Can we have McDonald's? Oh! Oh! And coke too!" Alfred exclaimed, seemingly reverting back into his hyper self. "Sure. It may take some extra time though. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Alfred nodded, his eyes sparkling as if he was in an anime.

"Anything for my beloved McDonald's!" He made a silly pose and you cracked up laughing. He laughed with you too and finally let go of your hand. You pat his head and turned away from him and left.


'Okay Alfred, you can do this! It's just a dumb game!'

Alfred turned his body away from the door and turned all his attention to the piece of technology infront of him.

He stared at the screen for a while then pointed to Granny. "HAH! You don't scare me you- you- BALD OLD LADY!" He pointed a finger to Granny. "I will beat you, and win the game!" He exclaimed then sat down on his chair.


Jeez. Even if he's upstairs I can still hear him.
(Y/n) thought to herself and chuckled. Sauntering over to the kitchen, She opened the fridge and searched for some snacks. "Man," She sighed, defeated. "There's nothing but leftovers..."

"Guess I'll get some McD's too." Grabbing her phone from her pocket, She dialed McDonald's' number. After a few rings, someone picked up.

"Hey there! Thank you for choosing McDonald's! What can I get for you?"
(Lmao is that how they greet people??)
"Uhm... I'll get a..."


After giving himself some prep talk, Alfred was finally ready to take on this- very strange and creepy... and bald old woman and beat the heck out of her!

He cracked his knuckles and a pop was heard throughout the room. He adjusted some of the settings to his liking then finally started the game. At first he was creeped out. But as he went further in the game, he slowly got into it more and more. He watched a lot of youtubers play this game and knew how to win the game.

It's just a matter if he gets to open the door, or Granny gets him. "Psh, I've got this! Horror game my butt!" He laughed it off, as to hide his nervousness. His character just got away from Granny and he made it hide under the bed. Out of nowhere, Granny's face took up the whole screen as Alfred jumped out of his chair.
...and landed on his butt.



"Okay, so did you get all that?" (Y/n) asked the employee, who was confused as hell. "Uh- so that would be {insert order here}... Is that all?"

"Yup! Good job going through that.." She laughed it off. "Ah, well, it is my job... My boss pays me extra when I encounter huge orders like this. So you kinda help me out here." The employee said. "Oh! Okay. So how much does the food cost?" (Y/n) asked. "About....{insert price here cuz... well. Just because}"

"Mhm. Okay! Could you please deliver it at {insErt ADdrEsS}? Thanks a lot!"
"It's no problem. Your order will be there in about a few minutes! Hope you enjoy!" Then the employee hung up.

I'm done. It's awfully quiet upstairs. Is Alfred okay?

"Hey Alfred! You o-"



"Well then. Guess he's not okay."

I head upstairs quickly, being careful not to trip. I reached the bedroom door and opened it.

"Uh... Alfie? You okay there?"

I approached him and crouched down to his level.

"I already ordered some McD's for you."

Alfred shot up quickly, seemingly forgetting what happened to him earlier, and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me in his tight embrace.

"YAY!! Thanks Duddette!"

I awkwardly patted his back, face feeling warm. "You're welcome. Also, can you let go?"
He snapped out of it and quickly let me go, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. A habit he does when embarrassed.

Then I looked over at the Ipad. "So.. she got you, huh?" He looked confused for a moment before he followed my gaze then latched onto me yet again. "But, dude! She was scary as hell!" I only rolled my eyes at him. "Fine. Whatever you say, Al."

He pouted and glared at me playfully. I giggled and grabbed his hand, dragging him downstairs completely forgetting about the game. We sat down and as I reached for the TV remote, the door bell rang. "I'll get it!!!" Alfred shouted as he ran to the door.

A few minutes later he came back to the living room with a hand full of McDonald's. He placed it down on the small table in front of us and cuddled next to me. We spent the rest of the day eating McDonald's while watching Netflix. 

(A/N): I've had this in my drafts for quite some time now... I decided to finish this already and publish it. And yes, I said that I was done with this fandom but, there are times where I come back soooo..... I haven't escaped this fandom yet.  But it doesn't mean that I'll write about hetalia that much like I used to back then. I might edit the other one-shots because I read some of them and boy, I cringed so hard.

Also, the ending is pretty shitty. Sorry. Regardless of the ending, I think the rest of the story is somewhat decent. (If there are any mistakes like spelling and stuff, tell me!)

Hope you enjoyed reading!

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