part nineteen

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Surprise, it's unedited! Also, I have school tomorrow, but got this done before midnight so I'm proud of myself.


"Morning, baby," Ashton mumbled into Maddy's ear. "You know, it's been over a week and you haven't slept in your bed once."

"That is not true," she informed him. "I take naps in my bed when you're at work all the time."

"Really? Because when I got home last night, you were already asleep in here."

"I was waiting for you, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Ashton didn't seem convinced, but he dropped the subject. "So," he said. "Are you excited for today?"

"I'm so excited. I've been broke the whole time you've known me, so you wouldn't know this, but I love shopping."

"Well, we're not shopping for you. We're shopping for the baby." Ashton reminded her.

"Ash, I like shopping for other people even more than I like shopping for myself. And especially teeny tiny people like the turnip." Maddy said, sitting up in the bed.

"I don't know how I feel about it being a turnip this week."

"Well, it's only for a few more days. Then I'll be eighteen weeks and it'll be something else. We just have to get through it, like when it was a kidney bean."

"I liked the kidney bean!" Ashton laughed. "Also, aren't turnips kind of small?"

"I think it includes the stalks and leaves and stuff. And I think the email said that the baby weighs about the same as a turnip, so I guess it's not necessarily the same actual size." Maddy shrugged, she wasn't totally sure if the information she was explaining was true.

"Well, I love the turnip regardless of the fact that it's the same size as a disgusting root vegetable," Ashton told her, kissing her gently before getting out of bed. "Do you need to take a shower?"

"No, I took one last night. It won't take me long to get ready."

"I guess I'll just go take a shower, then. Alone." He whined.

"Have fun!"

"You're so mean to me." But he left the room and went to take a shower.

After another couple of minutes, Maddy got up and went to her room to do her hair and makeup. She did her makeup simply and put her hair up in a bun so it wouldn't get in the way during a long shopping trip. When she was finished, she got dressed. She put on a pair of leggings and a tight-fitting long-sleeve shirt. Her outfit made her bump visible which she felt was appropriate when going shopping for baby furniture.

When she was ready, she went back to Ashton's room where he had just finished getting dressed.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I am, let's go."

A few minutes later, they were down in Maddy's car. It was parked on the street because Ashton's building didn't have parking, which Maddy hated, but she dealt with it. It just freaked her out when she had to leave her car on the street overnight.

"Why is it so cold?" Maddy whined.

"Because it's November," Ashton told her, buckling his seatbelt. Maddy started the car and began driving. "So we're going to Target?"

"Yeah, I figured it would be easiest. But we're not going to actually buy much today. We're making a registration. Talia and my parents are apparently planning a baby shower, but they're not telling me anything about it. Anyway, we make a list of everything we need, people who are coming to the baby shower buy something off of the list. And whatever we don't get, we buy after that."

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