Poem 11

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You would hug me and smell my flower scented perfume
You would caress my cheek like I'm special
You would brush my brown silky hair
You would say that I'm such a pure cotton
You would hold my hand softly like a feather
You would say that I keep returning to my memories

And you would drown  deeply in your thoughts.

I would desperately apologize like I was losing myself
As I would cry like there's no tomorrow
I would hug you so tenderly
I would stare at your pure soft smiles
I would say how cute you are
I would keep in touch with our past
And I would die with worry when you drown deeply in your thoughts.

One day we will both hold our hands freely to the world
One day we will smile like how we used to
One day we will hug each other
One day we will be able to smell each other's beautiful scents
One day we will meet our gazes with each other again
One day we will see each other again
One day we will be together forever.

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