Ch. 14 Feelings are Confusing

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It had been a while since the ball Cedric and Clarissa were sitting in the library plotting different tactics for the second task. She hadn't seen George since the ball itself, and it was beginning to feel like he was ignoring her. In her opinion, his behaviour was sort of odd. First, he claims to like her, then the dance, and now this. She had no idea what had gotten into him, so naturally, when she spotted that fiery red hair of his she bid Cedric goodnight and followed it. Not like Cedric needed help. He already had a plan A and B. The two were trying to figure out a bit more on what to expect. Finally, she caught up to him and Fred pausing. It was a bit odd to see them both in the Library. After all, they were the Weasly twins.

"George, could I speak with you a moment?" Her voice floated through the air. Luckily the Library was dead quiet so the boys seemed to hear her speak.

"No sorry. We are quite busy right now." George hadn't even turned around to look at her. He knew it was Reese, and he most definitely did not wish to speak with her.

It Seemed Fred had a different plan as he turned his brother around shoving him towards the girl. "I got it, Georgie. You aren't busy." He smirked cheekily before running off, leaving behind a very stunned Goerge.

"I uh guess we can talk." The redhead mumbled walking closer to Clarissa. "What is it?" His words came out much harsher than he had originally intended, but perhaps he would leave her alone now.

"I was hoping you could explain why you have been avoiding me? Not only that you keep being all mysterious whenever you are around. You say you know me better than I think then disappear. It is rude and confusing." She grumbled slightly, taking a step back. "You know what Goerge. I don't even know why I bother. You clearly don't want to be my friend. That's how I see you, but you are just so..." Her angry rambling got cut off by a sudden kiss. A magical kiss at that, but it was wrong. So wrong. She stepped away slapping him across the cheek.

"I shouldn't have done that. Resse I am so sorry. You are right. I can't be your friend." With those parting words, Goerge ran away. Leaving Reese frozen to the ground. She had just kissed someone that wasn't her boyfriend. Cedric already seemed to be struggling with Jealousy, and now this. She had to tell him, but how.

Figuring that the best person to ask would be Fleur she set off in search of the girl. It took her far too long to find her cousin. Unfortunately, the castle was rather large, and Clarissa does not have the best memory. She started hearing voices arguing in hushed tones when she saw her father and some man. She was pretty sure was the Durmstrang headmaster. "Igor. I am not about to put my daughter's life in jeopardy." He growled at the man.

"You can't deny it. Soon he will be back, and there is nothing we can do." The man her father called Igor argued. She wasn't entirely sure why he was even here.

"You don't think I know that? I feel him. I am loyal. If you are not then perhaps it's time someone illuminated a tractor." He pointed his wand at the man's throat causing Clarissa to stumble back in fear. After a moment she sprinted in the other direction. The young Blonde had no idea at all what they were talking about, but it did not sound good. Who was coming back? Why was her father threatening people? Something about what she saw seemed important, so she pulled a small bottle from her pocket. She always carried one just in case for memory storage. Pulling the thought from her head she placed it in the vial before sealing it and putting it back in her pocket. Given her track record with Memories. This seemed like the safest idea. Who know's when she might fall down the stairs again.

After what she had seen Clarissa decided to give up on finding Fleur. Boy troubles didn't seem as important right now. She needed to find a safe location for the vial, and possibly figure out who on earth the men were talking about.

With her hands stuffed in her pockets, she did her best to locate the carriage. She had a jewelry box with a single lock. That would be the safest location for her memory. Still, the girl was lost until she saw a small white light. Being the naturally curious girl she was, she followed after it. It almost looked like a ghost but was too white and pure. Perhaps it was a Patronus. She had only read of them, yet to actually see one in person. If her hunch was right, however. She really wanted to know who had cast it. The closer she got the better she could see the Peacock's shape. It actually seemed to be leading her to somewhere. Like it knew she was following it somehow.

(AN:I am going to try and get on a better writing schedule. Hopefully to post at least every other weekend. If I get more up then bonus) 

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