April 16, 2018

27 3 2

Guys today was so fucking good. So the guy I like and I have art together and we sit and the same table and all that and we were talking and just messing around with each other and I was calling him a child because he ALWAYS covers his hands in paint and it's cute but that's beside the point. So we were talking and he looks up and at me and goes we're gonna share a cubby now ( we have little cubbies to keep all out stuff in ) so I was like okay!! And then we were talking some more and he asks me to hand him a paint container so I hand it to him and when he grabs it HE FUCKING GRABS MY HAND AND SLOWLY RUBS IT DOWN MINE WHILE HES TAKING THE PAINT AND I HAD A FUCKING HEART ATTACK. LIKE HES FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND I J WANNA LOVE HIM. So yeah after that happened we went to the sink to clean up and announcements were on and they were talking about drivers ed and we asked if I was gonna be in that drivers ed class and I was like yeah and he said bet me too and smiled and my heart melted.

But like I'm kinda scared I might be making all of this up in my head and he only thinks of me as a friend? But I'm trying to stay optimistic. Now I'm just really excited for school and being able to see him again. 

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