January 17, 2019

11 1 0

Ayyyy your girl just finished her psychology exam! Actually it's due tomorrow but because it was a teacher made I got to work on it all week. We had to make a slide about a unit we covered ( which I got a 100 on yay ) and I just finished my paper on another unit. It was supposed to be two pages but it ended up turning into 8. I don't think I did good on it oop. Exams are stressing me out and my gpa is so low I'm never gonna get into college ugh but WHATEVER ITS OKAY.

My friend is having a mini party thing tomorrow and I'm excited we might get to smoke and the guy I like might show up and I'm just so excited to meet new people. Ever since I dropped some people in my friend group I've been so much happier and talking to people I never would have talked to it's fun.

Have a nice night losers

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