January 22, 2019

14 1 0

I'm sorry I continuously talk about this dude but I literally can't get him out of my head. I think about him 24/7. He's literally in my dreams like every night bruh. I think I might actually be able to stay in contact with him if I stop being such a little bitch. After the exam today me him and a friend all sat together and we all just chilled and talked about a bunch of dumb shit. We talked about all his freckles and our kinks ( he's into hair pulling uuuhhhhh that's hot fuck me please lol jk but I'm really not kidding ) and I was so content just having casual conversation and hearing him talk.

Once the exam was over we were chilling by the door and I kept kicking him because I am a five year old that craves attention and he would "kick" me back. Then we went into the hall and he tried to hit me with his key chain thing so I literally ran into him repeatedly trying to fight him but he wouldn't fight me ): he said he doesn't hit girls and I said you're a pussy.

Bruh I'm really fuckin crazy about this dude. Can he please just break up with his girl and fuck me cuzzz uhhhhhh.

I honestly feel like something could happen if I keep things going the way they are. I'm a really spiritual person and I think the earth has its own mind and energy type shit so I have this little ball that's attached to a string which is attached to a pole. The ball sits above this round thing that has things like "yes" "no" "maybe" "ask a friend" type shit and I fr think those work because every time I have used one it works. So I asked it "will me and ____ ever be together" ( i feel like such a dumb girl writing this shit /: ) and it has said yes every time so. I hope it's right.

Anyway I wrote way more than I intended to. Have a nice night loves

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