Countries x Male Reader: Déjà Vu

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There will also be some of these fucks

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There will also be some of these fucks. I just realized, BOTH 1P AND 2P CANADA AREN'T IN THESE PICTURES!!!!!

Requested by Bitchwithsass

"Wake up! There's no time to explain, you just need to get up quickly!"

As (Y/N) opened his eyes, bright lights shone in his (e/c) eyes making him squint. After his eyes adjusted, he looked around and realized he was in a hospital.

"What.... happened....?"

"Hey, handsome."

A man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and glasses.

"Who are.....?"

"Babe, you forgot? We've been dating for three years, how could you forget me? It's Jones," he started acting really suave, "Alfred Jones."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember anything after....." he thought a moment, "I can't remember anything."

"That sucks. Maybe I can help you remember."

Alfred leaned in and tried kissing his amnesiac boyfriend. This, of course, earned him a hard slap on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry! It was on reflex!"

"It's fine," Alfred said as rubbing his cheek, "you never did like me kissing you in public."

"You two seem to be getting along nicely."

(Y/N) turned his head to see a doctor holding a clipboard.

"Hey, doc, can I take him home today?"

The doctor checked his clipboard.

"Looks like it, we just need to take a few short tests before you take him."

~~~Time Skip to After Tests~~~

"Who knew there were so many needles in 'a few' tests. Are you ok?"

"A little woozy, but I'm fine."

Alfred opened the passenger car door for (Y/N) before he got in on the driver's side.

"Do you remember how to drive?"


Alfred chuckled and drove to his and (Y/N)'s house.

"This is were we live?"

"No, we live in a shack in the backyard."

(Y/N) smiled and opened the door for Alfred.

"Thank ya, handsome."

Alfred kissed (Y/N)'s cheek just before he went inside, (Y/N) followed suit.

"Do you really not remember a thing?"

(Y/N) nodded, "Besides the things you told me today, there are no memories."

"Will doing our favorite activity spark some memories?"

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