(pre serum/after) Steve | date?

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okay yes ik they didn't have phones back then but go with it :)

Steve: hey y/n can we talk?
You: yeah sure :)
Steve: okay so idk how to say this:/
You: say what?
Steve: ireallylikeyouandimafraidyou'llfindsomeonebetterlikebuckyorsomethingbecauseyoulikedangerandimjustasmallkidfrombrookyln
You: wait what??
Steve: so i really like you and i'm afraid you'll find someone better like bucky or something because you like danger and i'm just a small kid from Brooklyn:/
You: steve. i've liked you for so long, so what if you aren't big like bucky? you'll always be my small boy from brooklyn x
Steve: date tonight? at 7?
You: definitely:)

~after serum~

You: i never got my date
Steve: i was sorta hung up i'm sorry
You: it's fine ahah, i saw peggy and she told me what happened
Steve: she did?
You: yup. not my small boy from brooklyn now are you?
Steve: i guess not aha
Steve: won't you think of me differently now? now that i'm like captain america?
You: of course not, you'll always be the boy that taught me to tie my laces at the age of 6, and you'll always be the boy that my ma loves. no one could ever replace you steven rogers. i love you
Steve: I love you too.

~after the crash~

You: i can't believe you're gone. what happened to forever and always?
You: me and ma couldn't believe it when peggy told us. she also said that your last words were to tell me we might have to rain check on our date, you think? ahaha
You: i really miss you steve. nights aren't the same without you laying next to me. i wake up and you aren't there, i'm just left with the last photo we took, the one before you died.
You: I also found the ring
You: I love you so much Steven Grant Rogers.
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