peter / smile darlin'

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(in this the reader is 16 and has severe anxiety & depression so please don't read if things like scars, harmful thoughts or anything like that triggers you. your mental health is more important than a book x)

it was important to you and you messed it up. your first impression with tony stark and you freaking messed it up. how does someone say "hello i'm tony stark" in front of him!!! god i hate myself.
my best friend peter ran up to me and put his arm on my shoulder, "hey come on cheer up. he laughed!" i just stifled a laugh through my tears, "yeah. at me"
peter smiled sadly at me and pulled me in for a hug, before i knew it my heart beat was increasing and it was getting incredibly hard to breathe, it felt like there was a weight on my chest and i couldn't get it off.
peter pulled away when he saw what was going on and started trying to get me to breathe slowly with him, "and deep breathes., there ya go just carry on breathing with me"
things started to calm me down after he got to 10 and the weight started to lift. about 5 minutes after i was back to normal but a little bit shaky, i hate having panic attacks in front of peter. i feel like such a failure.
he's an avenger and i'm a depressed filled anxious teen who somehow managed to end up being his best friend. lord knows how.
peter put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up so i was looking at him.
"smile darlin' it looks good on you"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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