Natasha Imagine(fem reader)

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you sat on a stool at the bar sipping a drink, watching a redhead the opposite side. the way her red lipstick left a stain on the glass, the way her hair was curled and she didn't look like she was screaming for attention. you didn't realise how long you had been staring at her for until you came back to earth and noticed she was gone, and sitting next to you.

you turned to her and a furious red overcame your cheeks as you realised she was speaking to you, "hey cutie what's your name?" her accent was american mixed with something else, russian? maybe? you replied trying not to stutter, "uh y/n, you?" she smiled and kissed your hand when you stuck it out for her to shake, "natasha. can i just say you have a beautiful name, beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
did natasha know when to stop? you were a human tomato by now. surely she's just acting to embarrass you, "sorry to be staring earlier, you just caught my eye" you laughed awkwardly and she took another sip of her drink before replying, "no it's fine, i would be disappointed if a stunning girl like yourself didn't find me interesting"

by this point you were so red it was becoming awkward, you laughed and natasha excused herself quickly as her phone started ringing. she went off and spoke to the person on the phone, you tried to listen but she was too quiet. nat came back and said she had to go but before she left she wrote her number on a napkin and kissed your cheek, "till next time" you smiled and tucked the napkin in your bra.

natasha walked out of the club and lifted her hand up to her ear, "clint. i couldn't do it. i couldn't kill her, she's harmless"

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