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Wyatt's POV



"Hi Soph" I said smiling

"Hi Wyatt" she said back as I tried to subtly look her from top to bottom once again, but I think that time she caught me.

I invited her inside and now everyone was pretty much here so it was time to find my mystery kisser.

I looked around the room and thought about who it wouldn't have been, that consisted of Millie, Soph and taken girls... I wanted to make some of the girls were drunk before I kissed them so I made sure that the drinks table was filled with alcohol.

A/N - sorry if everything above this didn't make sense I'm writing this at 2am but I'm going to sleep now but I probably won't be bothered to edit it 😂

As the night went on the girls were getting more drunk by the second. I had to move fast because some girls were leaving.

Eventually I managed to get close enough to everyone to be able to see if the smelt like my mystery kisser did. (lol Wyatt's a bit creepy just sniffing girls 😂)

I managed to kiss a few but none of them kissed like the mystery kisser and although I could smell the scent of her I couldn't find anyone that smelt like her.

I was really starting to wonder if I would ever actually find the girl that gave me the most perfect kiss.

About a hour later there were a few people left, Finn and Millie took the spare room, I told the others to leave and Sophia, well she was out of it on the living room floor.

There was no way that I was going to send her home or leave her on the floor. The only option was to put her in my bed, so I carefully slipped my arms under her and picked her up.

She stirred a little, and I guess she made herself comfortable in my arms.

I layed her on my bed and just looked at how cute she was when she slept.

Then I hit a problem.

What she was wearing was not suitable for her to sleep in...

Then I had to make the biggest decision, leave her to be uncomfortable or undress her and give her a jumper to sleep in.

I decided to undress her because it's be just like seeing her in a bikini.

Well let's hope.

I pulled her top and shorts off and HOLY, MOLY... wait she's like my sister I can't think that.

But if I was honest with myself I do have feelings for her, I have for a long time. I just haven't told her because I know she doesn't feel the same.

I put one of my jumpers on her and tucked her into bed. I got ready to go to bed, then turned out the light.

I got into bed and kissed her.
What was I thinking.
Not on the forehead.
It was on the lips.

Luckily she was asleep. Just wish I could kiss her when she was awake.

I actually felt in the mood to write this chapter so here it is :)

A Kiss For Wyatt | Wophia / SyattWhere stories live. Discover now