Chapter 2: Returning To The Sea

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A/N: This is how Koa looks ^^

The hills make me wanna run and play
Every time I think of you
And I wanna go up and sit right down
And look at the ocean so blue
I wanna feel the breeze blowing in my face
And let all things hang loose
Whisper your name, feel no pain
Relax and cruise

I finally got out of the stuffy and crowded airport. I head my way towards town which was only 10 minutes away. As I walked, I made my way to Beaver Tail Bakery and bought myself a small snack. While I waited at the docks for my bus ride, I watched the ocean. I can't wait to be out there again. Just to feel the cool water once more. San Diego has nice beaches, but it is nothing compared to this island's beaches. The best beach spot is called The Office. I would have to kill you if I told you where it is. It's that amazing.

This is the life, the life I was given
This is the life, I love country living
This is the life, the life meant for me and you
So I hope you're here to live it too
Yeah and I hope you're here to live it too

Eventually, a ridiculous whale bus drove and went to a stop. The doors open revealing a good friend of mine, Kahuna. Kahuna works multiple jobs. He's a bus driver, owner of a movie theater, etc.

"Hey, the return of the little Maikaʻi! How have you been?"

"I've been great, Kahuna. I just can't wait to shred those waves," I say, pointing behind me.

"Well, hop in, Maika'i!"

I jumped inside the automobile. "Onwards, Kahuna!

I wanna get on my bike and ride that red dirt road
From the cane fields to the shore
I wanna skip stones with my cousins
As the ahi skims the ocean floor
And as the sun goes down and the moon goes up
I can see the stars (see the stars)
As we sit by that fire beneath our shack
And jam our guitar

We finally arrived at the hotel. I jumped out with all of my bags, I waved Kahuna a goodbye and walked into the hotel. Once I entered the lobby, I met up with our front desk employee, Johnny James. Johnny is a hard worker, trying to make the best out of his career.

"Hey, John! How've you been, dude?"

"I've been as good as it gets! I think I might get promoted this summer! My evaluation scores are doing so grea-"

Honestly, I zoned him out, not really caring. I just gave him the occasional "uh-huh" and it worked.

"Like this one time, a customer said I was the best worker. The best! And she sai-"

"Lani!" My favorite prissy girl ran up to me, engulfing me in a tight hug. "I can't believe you're here already! We like so need to catch up asap!"

"Lo, can't breathe! Losing air," I gasped out.

Lauren Ridgemount. the definition of preppy and pink. She's filthy rich and is never out of style. we're good friends, I met her brother first, Tyler, and he introduced me to her. We're good friends.

"Oops," Lo apologized. "I guess I got little excited."

My natural sarcasm spoke out. "Really? My crushed ribs didn't notice."

"Very funny, anyways, guess who got the WHOLE penthouse to herself?"

"I wonder who it can be?" I played along with amusement. "This is such a tough question."

"Obviously me!" She exclaimed. "And I'm having a party, like a summer party. Oh, and everyone is invited!"

"Cool, well I'm gonna settle in. Catch you guys later." I waved at both Johnny and Lo a goodbye and made my way out the lobby.

This is the life, the life I was given
This is the life, I love country living
This is the life, the life meant for me and you
So I hope you're here to live it too
Yeah and I hope you're here to live it too

I was walking towards the employee's bunker. Disgusting, and broken down as usual. On the front porch was to returning workers, Ripper and Lance. Those boys may be older than me but, they are way more immature. I walked up to them as they sat lounged on the couch and watched TV outside.

"Hey, guys, what's up?"

"LANI!" They both bolt out of their seat and squeezed me in a group hug.

"Sheila, we missed you here," Ripper's thick Australian voice spoke out, and Lance nodding with agreement.

"Well, I might shred some waves with you dudes soon, I got to put this stuff down. It's making my arms limp."

"We'll help."

Ripper and Lance both grabbed the bags out of my hands, and I didn't object. I mean if they want to carry it, then go ahead. We kept walking, ohh... did you think that I live with the other employees? Hell to the nah. Jacob and I have our own place a little further down, only 5 minutes away to work by walking. It's a one story beach house with easy beach access to The Office.

Take the time to unwind
And let the island soothe your soul
Feel the music everywhere
And let aloha take control (let it take control)
Cause I can see the pain in your eyes
From the pressures of today
Open your eyes, we're in paradise
And throw them all away

We made it to my place and the boys left to grab their surfboards, planning to meet me at the beach. I put down my stuff and texted my friends back home.

To Jay: Hey, Uncle Jacob. I'm at the house, gonna surf for a bit so I'm not gonna respond right away.

To Mace: How've ya been, loser? Boring without me? I know, you miss me. I'm gonna shred waves at the Office with Ripper and No-Pants (A/N: aka Lance for them uncultured swines), I'll tell them you said hi.

I quickly changed into my swimsuit. I picked up the surfboard that I left here. She was a pure beauty in my eyes. An orange base with white detailed stripes and her name is Nā Kai. I then took off and sprinted towards the beach. I memorized the way to go and went to the island. It was pure bliss. I spotted the Ripper and Lance already surfing, so I jumped into the water and paddled to them. Eventually, our surf session ended, but it was great to reunite with the boys again. I told the guys about the Lo's party and the guys were excited to go.

"Wait a minute, Sheila. When did you get a tattoo now?"

"After last summer, pretty cool huh?" I was admiring my own leg. "Well, catch you guys later tonight."

We separated ways, to get ready for the party, I checked my phone again to see if I got any messages.

From Jay: Call me "uncle" one more time and I'll hunt you down myself!

From Mace: I am actually dying from boredom, I should've went with you. Ugh

I giggled at both the messages and started to get dressed.

This is the life, the life I was given
This is the life, I love country living
This is the life, the life meant for me and you
So I hope you're here to live it too
Yeah and I hope you're here to live it too
Yeah and I hope you're here to live it too

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