Chapter 4: Welcome to Paradise Dudes, Pt.1

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(A/N: Hello Readers, so in my past chapters I would write down the lyrics of the songs above. I plan on stopping due to my laziness but if you guys enjoy it just comment to let me know.)

"Lo? Lo?"

I softly moaned at this, turning my body into a more comforting position, on the love seat. Waiting for my friend to answer to her name.


Lauren groaned at her brother.

"It's amazing. I leave for one day, and you manage to trash the place." Hear the curtains rolling up, probably the window of the pool.

"Ugh," Lo complaint. "It's too bright."

I was able to hear the sound of her blanket shuffling. "It was just a little party. It'll all be cleaned up by the time they get home."

"I think you better see this." I peeked out of the blankets Lo gave me, extremely curious at what Ty was referring to.

"What?" His younger sister said, confused.

Their TV goes down and turns on.

"The luxury uptown was teared upside-down last night at what has been described as an end-of-the-school-year party..."

I see Lo sit up panicking. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

The phone next to her, she picks it up, still in shock.


"That party was-"

"Can't talk right now." Hanging it up right after, then continue to talk to Ty. "Is there any chance Daddy won't find out about this?"

"What do you think?" Ty's rhetorical question came out.

Lo groaned again in frustration, The only thing that Lo was able to do is snack on leftover pizza. I stayed as quiet as possible, making sure the attention isn't on me. Lo continued to panic about what to do. Then again, the phone rings in the pizza box. I'm pretty sure everyone knew it was her dad. Tyler walked over to it and open the lid of the box. Lo runs over hugging the home phone.

"Please," Lo begs. "Don't answer it!"

"You have to face him sometime." Ty clicks the answering machine.

"What is going on at my hotel?!" And this is where Lo f*cked up.

"Nothing, Daddy," Lo lied. "I just had a few friends over. No biggie."

"Well, the news report said over 100 teenagers were running wild and disturbing the guests!"

"No," Lo continued to lie. "Daddy, you know, how the camera adds 10 pounds? Well, it also adds 10 teens for everyone one that was, like, actually there."

I couldn't help but giggle at her attempt. I attempted to cover my mouth, so my laugh wouldn't be too loud.  However, it was louder than I expected. I failed to notice that Ty spotted my location because of the noise I was making. He started to quietly walk over to me. Once I finished laughing, he yanked off the blankets that were over me. I stared at him wide-eyed, then giving him a guilty smile. He shook his head at me but grinned at my childishness. He turns around, letting me hop on his back. Once I did that, he carried me over to Lo, allowing me to listen to the rest of the conversation. Lo stares at the TV, with regret.

"Is that my pool?!" Her father yells.

"Is that my jeep?" Lo mutters under her breath.


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