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'I guess I'm just a scaredy cat' I thought, rolling my eyes at how naive I was. I decided to just keep walking down the road. 

I shivered a little and put my hands on my forearms caressing away the goosebumps. I took out my phone and realized that it was 6:23 pm, the sun was starting to set down.

"Man, I haven't called Maverick in hours!" I said out loud, looking for his contact. I heard the ring of the phone on the other side. After a few seconds, I went straight to voicemail.

"Hm, his phone must have died or something," I said, but he's at home, sick. Unless he turned off his phone but I doubt it.

 I started to get a bit worried so I hurried over to my car. I walked down the dirt road quickly seeing the parking lot grow near. When I stepped on the concrete a harsh wind almost made me stumble back.

 I looked back at the forest, it was dark and kinda ominous looking. It made me shiver, I quickly shook away the feeling and got into my car putting my bag in the passenger's seat. I put on my seatbelt and start the engine. I drive out of the park looking at the sign that said 'Come Back Soon'.

'Indeed I will' I thought. After 30 minutes I was home. I parked the car in the parking lot and got out, taking out my backpack in the process. 

I walked up the stair to the 2nd floor. When I got there I walked to the front door while fumbling with trying to get the keys from my bag. I puffed and found them in the pocket in my pants. I opened the door and yelled

"Honey I'm home!" I chuckled a bit. 'So cliche' I thought taking off my boots and putting them near the door. It wasn't a really big apartment. 

It had two rooms, one which was the office, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and the storage closet. Everything was a tad dark and I almost tripped trying to get to the living room.

"Honey...?" I said again, lower than last time. I walked towards the room, the only thing I could see was the light pouring from under the door onto the carpeted floor.

 I could hear some noises inside the room. Some panting and groans.

'Maybe he IS sick?' I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it but it was locked. I put my ear against the cold door and listened.

'Ah yes.... Faster, faster...!'

My heart faltered at those words.

(A/N: Second chapter! Hope you enjoyed!)

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