Two?!/ Training...

405 19 7

"It's a boy!!"

I sighed in relief thinking that it was all over but a horrible pain hit my abdomen again. I gasped and screamed. The doctor checked me up and said.

"Oh! Looks like there's another one!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled crushing Slenders hand. He looked more in pain than I was.

"Ready to push again?" I sighed and pushed again with every bit of life I had left in me. Then I blacked out, but not after hearing my second baby cry.

(Slenderman's P.O.V)

She pushed one last time and out came a baby. It was a girl this time. I looked back at (Y/N) and saw that she looked dead. I panicked and came close to her, but she opened her eyes a minute after. I sighed in relief and took one of the kids, giving the boy to (Y/N).

"What are you gonna name them?" Asked the nurse holding a clipboard. Me and (Y/N) looked at each other.

"The boy's name is Elliot Leo and the girl's name is Rose Quartz." (Y/N) giggled. Steven Universe was her favorite cartoon so she wanted to name a girl like a character. They were both beautiful, both tiny and cute. 

After a few days of staying at the hospital, we finally went home. We immediately decorated a room for Elliot and Rose. We put them both in their cribs and went to our room. Me and (Y/N) collapsed on our bed and went to sleep.

(Your P.O.V)

I woke up the next morning exhausted. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was an absolute mess. I sighed and jumped on Slender lap. Making him groan.

"Good morning to you too princess..." I giggled and laid on his stomach. He was so big and I was tiny so I was practically a teddy bear to him. I hugged his torso and breath in his scent.

"Are you smelling me?"


"Okay then...?" He said in a weird tone. I sat up and got off him, going to check on the babies. I opened the door to the room to find Jeff carrying them both. I smiled and rested my head against the door.

"There's a lot of people here and we are all gonna love you so much, ah you guys are so adorable. (Y/N) you did a great job."

"Thanks" Jeff turned around and smiled.

"What are their names?"

"Elliot and Rose" I took Elliot and took him to the kitchen with Jeff following close behind me with Rose. We went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator taking out the milk and warming it up.

I gave one bottle to Jeff to feed Rose and I fed Elliot.While Jeff and I were feeding the babies we started talking.

"I'm so proud of you (Y/N)" I smiled at him.

"Thank you... When are you and Jane gonna have a little monster of your own?" He looked at me like if I had a spider on my face.

"Never." That's all he said. I decided not to push him, I know how he feels.

"Hey (Y/N)? We never asked you how you had powers." I gulped and suddenly remembered the old man. Jeff looked at me confused and I ran upstairs with Elliot in my hands. 

I went into the babies room and put Elliot in his crib. Kissing him on the forehead. I darted out of the room and out the mansion, running to the Cherry tree. 

I found the tree and ran under it to where the old man was peacefully seating. I stopped in front of him, panting.

"S-Sorry... I forgot..." I fell to my knees tired. I took in a deep breath and sat down in front of him.

"So, are you training me or not?" He stood up and touched my forehead leaving a weird looking symbol there. It was black like a tattoo. It was a triangle with to dots and a line.

I knew this symbol anywhere. It was a moon glyph and this specific symbol meant balance. I was startled out of my thoughts by a loud voice.

"Yes... We start, NOW!"

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