Rainbow quartz x reader

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[my first book and one shot so let's get to it]

Pearl and rose are really close and love to fuse since they first found out about it, pearl loved the feeling and rose just loved how fusing made them closer together.
One day pearl met with the human named y/n at the beach. They were new in town and y/n was 20 at the time when they met pearl, pearl had this feeling that connected her with this new face and had to introduce rose and the others to y/n to get y/n familiar sense they live in beach city now.

Pearl thought y/n was just a normal human but something was odd about them, pearl had a feeling of connection and a fuzzy feeling and would feel her face heat up every time y/n did something like smile and laugh and just talk about them self, pearl needed to know more about y/n and wanted to be as close as possible.

Y/N got to meet pearl, Greg, garnet, and amethyst so far, but y/n still needs to meet this rose quarts. Y/N was aware that the gems were not human and Greg was just Greg they say, pearl didn't seem to like you hanging around Greg as much and would often but in conversations with you two and take you away from Greg she must not like Greg.

"Rose!" Pearl cheered out as pearl approached a beautiful woman with long fluffy pink hair, a big beautiful white dress, and she also looked like a gem with her skin tone. Y/N admired rose but was lost in track as pearl and rose came close to y/n. "You must be y/n it's a pleasure to meet you my name is rose quarts" rose introduced to you as you blushed, her voice is beautiful as well. "My names u-uh y/n" you did a mental facepalm for stuttering.
Rose giggled at your actions as you blush in embarrassment and thought 'why is she so adorable?!'.

After getting to know rose more pearl seemed annoyed how you and rose just sparked and are way to close to pearls liking. Pearl suddenly had an idea and whispered something in rose is ear and rose seemed to smile and both stand up, and to your confusion you watch as they dance but what surprised you more was they suddenly flowed and next thing you know they were both gone and a much taller woman was there, it was like as if they just disappeared and Houdini your ass with a tall assistant.

You look at the woman in surprise but the woman just smiled and grabbed your hand and pulled you up too your feet you stared at the woman till they spoke up and said "I'm still pearl and I'm still rose don't be afraid, this is known as a fusion and this is what gems do"
You nodded in understanding that it's known as a gem thing which only gems can do.

"Call me rainbow quartz" she told you and you nodded and smiled but as you smiled her face turned into a blush and you giggled at how easy she blushes.
You and rainbow quartz talked and you felt very closer to there 'fusion' than you feel about pearl and rose. You feel like as if being with both of them as one just is different you feel heat on your face and you your words are starting to mumble at moments, you also find yourself staring at them and listening while they talk. You have this fuzzy feeling about rainbow and you can't get it out.

By the end of the day you had to head home and get ready for the next day but you for sure wanted to meet pearl and rose again especially rainbow. Rose and pearl were about to unfuse but before they
Could you stopped them "wait!-" they looked at you funny "I-I want a moment with you two like this before I leave" you respond as they smiled "well I do lover spending time with you as this form too y/n" rainbow quartz replied and bent down to y/n's level and said "what did you need?" And without thinking y/n kissed rainbow and rainbow only widened her eyes and flinch a little at the sudden action as rainbow felt heat rise to her cheeks.

Y/N departed their lips from rainbows and blushed a deep red and immediately apologizing over and over but rainbow giggled and kissed y/n softly on the lips and smiled as they said "it's okay, I like you too y/n this might be too fast but we will make this work" y/n was happy and gave a quick kiss to rainbow and left a blushing mess as rainbow smiled to herself watching y/n leave and gently touched her lips where y/n kisses them as rainbow had a celebration dance quietly and infused. Rose and pearl were both blushing and were happy as ever and wanted to see where rainbow and y/n will do for the future.

[okay end of chapter! Word count: 881! Wow I finally finished]

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