Pearl x reader

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Pearls POV
Things have been quite around the place recently, there was missions there and things to do but I'm not satisfied with how my life is going so far. "Garnet I'm going out for a break take care of Steven while I'm gone" .. garnet just gave me a thumbs up, I smiled and said my goodbyes as I left for a walk around beach city. After a hour of walking I decided to head back till I heard someone yelling for help.

I ran as fast as I could to see a person on the ground and rushed to them "please I need help that guy took my bag!" As soon as they said that I ran to the guy that was running around the corner. And without thinking I grabbed the guys arm but all I got was a stinging pain in my eye realizing he punched me, at this point I was pissed and easily put him to the ground with his hands behind his back.

I huffed as I grabbed the bag and gave the man a warning knowing I know how he looks he won't get away the next time, I walk back to the person to see them in the same spot as before I smiled and returned the bag "I believe this is yours, and sorry I haven't introduced myself I am pearl" the person smiled "I'm y/n thanks for grabbing my bag!" I blushed and just acted like it was nothing.

"Let me get you a drink" y/n offered, "oh I just couldn't-" "no really it's on me" I couldn't help but to say yes to the offer.


After knowing more about y/n and having tea, turns out y/n has been here for awhile it's strange how I never got to meet them in such a small place. Y/N said they known about the gems but never got to see any of the fights or see us close personally due to their parents not letting y/n go out. I signed seeing that my time with y/n today is almost over as the sun starts to go down, "I have to go soon y/n, the rest are probably worried about me I've been gone all day after all" y/n smiled understanding "my parents are probably worried too" y/n and we said are goodbyes and hope to meet again another day.

Time skip

It's been a year since I met y/n and my connection only grew more as me and them would always spend time together, they say I'm special but I had to ask Garnet about these feelings. I told Garnet I feel my stomach turn when they compliment me, and how I feel fuzzy when they laugh, and how my heart beats when they smile or grab my hand and how I feel my face heat up. Garnet only told me that it's natural feeling of a new developing connection I have with y/n and love. Not the love I have for Steven or the rest but a much deeper and more closer love perhaps.

Me and y/n planned on meeting later where we first got close in the first place. The place y/n offered me a drink but this time I'm buying and I'm telling them how I feel once and for all!.

After hours of stressing and worrying about this afternoon it finally came I was excited but also I felt scared, what I'd y/n doesn't feel the same, or what if they are scared and leave me. I stopped thinking about those things after I heard a knock and knowing who it was I opened the door "y/n!" I embraced them in a tight hug, without me realizing that y/n was blushing they hugged me back. I smiled and we both went to the same exact place we first met.

After 15 minutes of drinking tea and talking and making funny remarks here and there I finally thought it was time I take y/n to the cliff and watch the sun set go. "Y/n would you like to go see the sun set with me?" I had so much hope they will go "Sure I have time my parents don't care at this point knowing I'm safe" I smiled wide and payed before we left to the cliff. I grabbed y/n's hand gently and intertwine my fingers with theirs.

I blushed hard as I felt a hand wrap onto mine and intertwine with mine. Knowing it was pearls of course I don't understand why I'm blushing, me and pearl usually hold hands but the aura around us tells me this is somehow special. I smiled and thought about how much me and pearl spent together, and how I slowly started to like her more than a friend... I got too meet the gems cause of her and she convinced my parents that I'm safe with her around and well she does keep me safe... what do I do with all these feelings pearl is just to perfect she can be salty at times but I love it when she's salty it's adorable and hilarious.

Once we made it to the cliff pearl still held my hand as we sat down together in the soft grass, the wind gently flowing the right angle to where her hair just swiftly flows to the back I signed.
"What's wrong?" Pearl asked and I blushed "your just... so beautiful" I blurted our the truth without thinking but after realizing what I said when I saw pearl blush I looked away blushing like a idiot. Dammit why did I say that?! "Y-Y/N?" Wait did pearl stutter she never stutters is she weirded out?! Oh crap what did I do "I really like you" after I heard those words I looked at pearl only to see she had tears in her eyes.

I smiled "I like you too pearl but I don't want to like you I want to love you" and with that I felt two arms wrap around me as I heard sniffles and giggles from pearl.... wow she's really happy I never seen her act like this, im glad im the first person to have this side of pearl in my arms. "I love you too" I heard a soft voice come out of pearl. I gently lift her chin up so she can look at me, aww she's crying of happiness I smile as I gently plant a kiss on her forehead, as pearl was crying she fell asleep on my shoulder and I signed happily. This will turn out fine... I close my eyes and gently lay back and hold pearl close not caring that we are falling asleep outside I just can't waste this opportunity to sleep with her in my arms.

[i like how I wrote this oneshot it's a little long but I love it word count: 1178 words]

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