Garnet x reader

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Im back from the dead aka that long hiatus.  Anyways let's get back to the oneshots!

Today was just another day here at beach city, right now it was noon and the clouds were pink and the sky was a blue fading to orange, the wind hit my skin being a warm natural breeze as I gaze out from my patio, I signed having nothing to do at this moment. I head inside hoping to go to bed instantly as I plopped down onto the couch but couldn't sleep. I looked at the time it was 7:00pm and I blinked and now it was 8:00pm so I slept but didn't even realize it. Nothing was going on in my life, not as much as those crystal gems literally have a purpose to do something almost everyday, but me I was lazy and my parents were rich but never home so with the money they make I don't need a job even though I did want one but they refused cause to them I was still a spoiled kid who has no need for a job so they had me studying and working on my future career which is way to long of a wait but they want me to be as wealthy as them.
My life was just sitting at home, doors locked, eating, which I got good at by the way with the time I had I learned how to cook pretty decently. But when I get real bored I study or just watch tv or Netflix and go on my phone. So about my phone I can't really message anyone on there except my parents and their boss and only few co-workers but that's only for emergency or if I am running out of something like food or toilet paper they put money in my personal bank account or well it isn't that personal cause my parents see what I buy with the money so they will know what I'm getting so even my own money isn't helping me be social cause I can only use it on food or whatever I actually need. The only time I talked to anyone was only really with the people at the market when I shop for food and that car wash place but I don't really talk as much to him cause he talks over me mostly his name was something like Nick I think but idk I don't really wash the car anyways. I decided to go for a walk so I locked the house up set the house alarm and I didn't even take my car. I think I will go window shopping but of course I can't buy anything because parents don't know what private in my bank account means. I just listened to my music as I walk around the small town but was distracted by a crowd around some people, I decided to go take a look and I went through the crowd to a spot I can see and was met with the crystal gems, they were cherry in smiles as they were announcing some beach party. I took in interest as the 4 handed out posters of the event. I took one and it was going to be tonight, here. And food was provided with drinks and snack. They will be playing beach ball and swimming and whatever like dancing. With a note at the bottom saying to everyone to please come. I stared thinking, this is my time to socialize. Cause my parents will think I'm locking the house up early but really I'm leaving and when I get back and they ask why the alarm was off and back on I'll tell them pizza delivery came!. I smiled I had such a good plan maybe I can make myself known better here instead of the rich lonely person who stays inside. I smiled as I knew already. "I'm going."

||timeskip; the beach party||

I came to the party seeing many people dancing and playing and swimming. I smiled everyone was dressed either nice In dresses or they were in their bathing suits with flannels or kimonos, I myself came in just a black bathing suit/shorts with a baggy magenta hoodie over my suit.

s I was walking looking around I saw the crystal gems I didn't know much but I sure know amethyst my neighbor has a full on studio of her in her garage. I can only assume the rest were easy to catch as pearl, and... Garnet i was staring so long in a trance as I watched garnet play beach volleyball and I look in awe as she jumped high no human could and spiked in such a inhuman way no kidding she was a gem but wow she is very impressive. As I was looking I didn't realize what was happening around me till I felt coldness go inside my shirt from behind and I heard laughs as I flinched and yelped at the sudden low temperature and it was obvious... Kevin he was one of the spoiled kids here (not including me) but he only picks on me because he's jealous but he also teases me for my parents being very protective of what I do all the time. I immediately took whatever it was out of my sweater to see ice cubes drop I glared at Kevin and left knowing he isn't worth my time and I rather not make a scene. As I was walking to get a snack I saw a familiar hand which could only belong to.. Garnet oh my God! I hope I looked okay uhh okay make a conversation! "your garnet right? Well I was wondering uh would you maybe like to i don't know hang out-" I was shocked as garnet wrapped her arms around me putting me behind her only to see she was shot with nerd guns by little ones "o-oh I'm so sorry uhm thank you" shit did I just stutter I must sound so stupiidddd ugh how will she ever think she like me she's so cool and way way much popular "yes" garnet said and I was confused at first she laughed a little as I blushed embarrassed "don't be so surprised I was going to say yes before you could finish your sentence besides *shows eyes and winks* I can tell the future after all *pulls shades back* and what I see coming when I say yes to you is all good things" my mouth was open as I couldn't believe it and damn I feel so embarrassed I didn't know she could do that but that just makes her cooler, I hope out hangout goes very well.


Hope you enjoyed that story
Word count: 1141

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