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Shaw: Camila?

Shaw: Hey?

Shaw: Are you ignoring me?

Shaw: sorry for that, I was just so busy

Shaw: I'm sorry

Shaw: Please

Shaw: talk to me

Shaw: omg

Shaw: do you want me to spam you my apologies?

Shaw: god, then fine

Shaw: Sorry

Shaw: S-O-R-R-Y

Shaw: Please, pretty please forgive me

Shaw: Hey?😭

Shaw: okay, I hate myself

Shaw: Camila?

Shaw: Is it too late now to say sorry?

Camila: 'Cause I'm missin more than just your body

Camila: Don't use Justin against me because it's working...😳

Shaw: You are a belieber?

Camila: Some say I am but some say I'm not 💜

Shaw: You are definitely a belieber

Camila: duhhhhh

Camila: Justin is my father.

Camila: but Shawn is my daddy

Shaw: 😏😏

Camila: what makes you smirk like that? It's not like you are Shawn

Shaw: i know i know

Camila: well, I still didn't forgive you

Shaw: I may sound so sheepish and all but I miss you....

Camila: aww😳😳😳

Shaw: it's true

Camila: what's your real name?

Shaw: Shaw

Camila: now, I mean your real name!

Shaw: S-H-A-W

Camila: duh

Camila: smh, you are a liar

Camila: I told you that I loved Shawn. So..

Shaw: My name is Shaw

Camila: you want bickering again? Or ignoring?

Shaw: no

Camila: then what's your name?

Shaw: Camila, it's Shaw

Camila: I dont believe you

Camila: I let it slide at first but even from the beginning

Shaw: Camila....

Camila: ugh please

Shaw: fine...

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