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I didn't see Ymir for the rest of the day, which disappointed me a bit. Reiner drove me home since he doesn't like me walking because "I'm not strong enough to defend myself if something happens." He's way too overprotective sometimes.

"I'll call you later." I smile, kissing his cheek before getting out of the car and stepping onto my driveway. I have a fairly large house seeing as my father is lawyer and my mother owns a company. They're always at work, and when they're home all they worry about is work and planning and making sure I do good in school so I can be as miserable as they are. All I've ever wanted in life is to be happy, and I can tell that neither of my parents are happy. I unlock the front door and then re-lock it once I get inside, just in case. The living room is a mess again, and there's an open bottle of wine and a letter on the table. I sigh and slide my bag off of my arm. I already know what the note says: "Kris I'm staying late after work, dad wont be home till late. Please clean up and make dinner after homework. xo Mom."  I ended up getting a note everyday at the beginning of the year, so mom just decided to keep one and put it on he table whenever she would be staying late. I wish I had a sibling or something so I wouldn't have to be alone all the time but I guess that's okay. 

-Time Skip-

I finish eating the Kraft dinner I made and leave the rest in a pot on the stove. I then head up to my room and grab my sketchbook. I bring it to my bed and lay down. I don't know what I'm going to draw, but something will come to mind eventually. The last thing I drew in here was a picture of my parents wedding. It turned pretty good, but I always forget to show them when they aren't busy working. I tap the pencil against the blank page in front of me for a while until I decide what I want to draw. Ymir. I want it to be perfect, just like her. 

After an hour or so my parents get home and I'm not even close to being done. I've only finished the outline of her body and her bangs. My mom comes into my room and comes towards me.

"What're you drawing?" She asks, sitting on the bed next to me.

"A girl from a show." I lie.

"She has a nice body." My mom giggles.

"You have no idea." I laugh. "I forgot to show you this yesterday."

I turn the page back to the picture of her and my dad on their wedding. "Oh Krista.." She says, taking the book from me. "This is beautiful honey."

"I hope so, it took a while." I joke. My mom puts the book down and wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you sweetheart, I needed that today." She says happily. "And thank you for cleaning up and making dinner."

"No problem mom." I reply. She stands up and fixes her blue dress, and her short blonde hair.

"Can I bring this to show your father?" She asks.


"And Krista?" My mom says, stopping at the door. "That new girl at your school..please be nice to her. I can't tell you any details but she's going through a lot okay?"


"Yes her." My mom says. "Invite her over or something, it'll be good for her."

"Okay." I agree. "I'm going to shower. Bring my book back and put it on my bed when you're done."

"Sure thing hon."

-Time skip-

I scratch my pencil against the paper, shading in Ymir's eyes. The café is quiet and my drink is on another table to avoid accidents. I would love to work on it at school but I can't, if Ymir found it she'd be beyond creeped out. My phone buzzes and I sigh. I close the sketchbook and put it in my backpack with the rest of my books.  The woman smiles goodbye at me and I wave before leaving the café and starting on my way to school. As I'm walking a car honks and someone calls my name.

"Krista!" Eren calls from inside his mother's car. Karla smiles.

"Do you want a ride Kris?" She asks.

"Oh uh sure, thank you Mrs. Jaeger." I reply, walking towards their black SUV.

Eren opens the door for me, revealing Mikasa in the front with Armin, and Eren in the back. Carla doesn't let Eren drive in her car after he crashed the other one trying to follow Mr. Ackerman home. We get to school and split up to go to our lockers. I go up the stairs and to my locker. I notice Ymir at her locker right away. I should go talk to her..but what do I say? I put my things away and keep my English and my sketch books with me, just in case Reiner goes into my locker for whatever reason. I close my locker and turn back around. Ymir is looking right at me, and now I'm looking right at her. My face heats up, it's now or never Krista. I force my legs to move towards her.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hello Krista." She replies, a slight smirk on her face.

"Would you like to uh maybe hang out?  We can walk around or I can introduce you to my friends or whatever you want really. Well not anything but-" I babble.  Why am I so stupid?

"You okay?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows.  "You're acting like I'm going to kill you if you say the wrong thing."

"Would you?" I ask against my own will.

"Maybe." She smirks. "But sure we can hang out."

"Okay." I smile. " What do you wanna do?"

"I've never been good at friends.." She says.

"That's okay, we can walk then." I reply.

Ymir smiles and we start to walk. That's when it all started, the changing of almost everything.

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