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"Ymir this is a terrible idea." I groan, gripping my blankets tightly.

"Calm down Krista. Just relax." Ymir says, taking my phone from my hand.

"He's going to be so angry." I sigh.

"Good." She smirks, making me sigh again. How did I get sucked into this again? Oh right, Ymir said my name all seductive like and I couldn't say anything. So, she assumed that meant: Yes Ymir, I would love to piss off my boyfriend for fun.

"Ready?" She asks, her finger hovering over the green call button. I nod and she smirks.

"Hello?" Reiner's voice says through my small phone. "Kris? Are you-"

"That's it Krista." Ymir fake groans.

"What?" Reiner asks, his voice sounds slighty angrier than it was before.

"Fuck Krista..oh my god.." She continues. Giving me the: Hurry up and go along with it.

"Y-ymir." I say, I don't sound convincing at all. Ymir's hand finds a spot on my thigh and smirks at me.

"W-What are you-" I start. Ymir squeezes my thigh way too hard and I yelp.

"Oh my god Krista." Ymir moans. I swallow hard and close my legs quickly. Ymir notices and moves her hand.

"What the fuck!?" Reiner yells. "Krista we are SO done! That's fucking disgusting!"

Reiner then hangs up and leaves me alone with Ymir. Who throws my phone across my bed and starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Ymir..are you okay?" I ask shakily as she falls off of the bed. I'm am not looking forward to the apology I'm going to have to give Reiner in the morning. I don't like the thought of us not being together, it would really hurt if he decided to leave me.

"Krista that was fucking great!" Ymir exclaims when she can finally manage to get words out.

I laugh awkwardly and smile. "Yeah..I guess."

"He's so pissed!" She grins.

"I know..I'm going to have to call him later." I sigh.

"What? Why?" Ymir asks, her smile disappearing.

"Because he's my boyfriend." I reply.

"Not anymore."

"Don't say that. He'll forgive me." I say, my voice shaky. 

"Give me a break Krista! You don't actually like him do you?!" Ymir says.

"Of course I do Ymir! He's my best friend and I-" I stop.  I can't say it, no, not to Ymir.

"You what?" Ymir asks bluntly. What have I done?

"I-I love him." I say quietly.

"Speak up Krista. Let me hear it." Ymir snaps.

"I love him okay! I love Reiner, I always have! A-And then you just come around and make me question everything and I barely even know you and I have these stupid feelings for you that don't matter because I love Reiner!" I shout, my eyes get all watery as a result from all the anger towards Ymir, Reiner, my parents, everything. I keep it all to myself and I just let some of it go.

"You're really something Krista." Ymir says standing up from my bed.

"I-I'm sorry." I mutter.

"So am I." Ymir snaps. "I'm sorry for ruining your perfect little life, with your perfect parents,  your perfect house,  your perfect boyfriend. Hell I'm even sorry for coming into your damn perfect school."

"Ymir it's not like that please come back." I cry.

"Save it for Reiner. He's all that matters right?" Ymir says angrily before walking out of my room and slamming the door.

Good job Krista. You ruined it, like always.

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