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I must say, it was the best day of my life. I had finally done the sex, and it was with my bae, Taylor Canibal. I wondered how many other girls in seventh grade had done it. I probably had beat all the other twelve year olds to it. Go me.

Taylor took me back to his house about an hour after The Big Event. When we had pulled up to it, I couldn't believe the size. It looked to be about three floors tall, which I later found out I was right. The house was accompanied with a basketball court, five car garage, and a medium sized lake and a huge pool. There was a waterfall on the right side of the pool.

Inside, the house had 8 bedrooms (four on the top floor, three on the middle floor, and the last one was on the main level), a fabulous kitchen, two living rooms, a game room, 8 bathrooms that went with the 8 bedrooms, a sauna, an elevator (!!!!), a library, and a couple other side rooms.

When I first walked in to the house, Taylor scolded me to take my shoes off before we entered and that I wasn't allowed to touch the walls at all, his parents' rules. Asian people.

We went to his room, which was one of the three on the middle level. He had a loft bed in the middle of the room and I made sure I told him how that would be very hard to have sex on because we would have to climb up the steps in the heat of the moment. He then told me how there was a couch in his room though, so we would be able to continue the sex on. I was happy.

I had a few questions for him though in the back of my mind.

"Taylor, how many other girls have you had sex with?" I questioned.

He bit his lip and stared off into the corner of the room. He was hesitant answering the question, and I wondered why.

"Taylor? Did you hear me?" I asked.

"Yeah. You know what, that's not important right now." he said suspiciously. I frowned.

"Um ok. Well you were my first, so." I said shyly.

His lips slowly smiled at that. "You're joking."

"No I swear."

"A beautiful girl like you? I was your first? There's no way that's possible."

"It's definitely possible because that was the truth."

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. His hand fit perfectly with mine. I liked it.

"Well, I'm glad I was your first." he kissed me on the lips and he kind of lingered there. He touched his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. I lifted his chin up and kissed him back. I opened my eyes a little and I noticed he was smiling in this kiss. I closed my eyes and continued making out.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Um, do you think it's okay if I fuck you right in the pussy?"

I take off my pants and spread my legs, giving entrance.

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