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I suddenly spotted a single tear roll down Jack's cheek.

"I can't do this," he broke down, "ur like 12. Plus, you're my friend's girlfriend." I was disappointed that he didn't want to fuck me right in the pussy like Taylor was so willing to. But I wasn't gunna give up just yet.

"Jack, baby, we can do this. Im gunna break up with Taylor like tomorrow anyways." I tried to explain, but he wasn't so easily swayed.

"I seriously can't do this, you're 12. That's illegal. Why are you acting like such a slut?" He asked me. I thought about it for a minute. I was acting like a slut. What happened to me over the past 3 days?

"Can you at least do me a favor?" I wanted to at least get revenge on Taylor. He nodded.

"Let's pretend that you fucked me right in the pussy so Taylor gets jealous. Then, when he wants me back, I'm going to break up with him," I explained, "and maybe when this is all over we can try to be friends."

He contemplated for a moment. The room fell into an awkward silence, broken only when jack agreed to my plan. We spent the next fifteen minutes making it look like we fucked. I quickly sent a text to Lindz explaining the situation, so she wouldn't think I'm more or a slut than I already am.

We made our way downstairs with messed up hair and my lipsticked smudged over the both of us. We may have went overboard, but at least it was believable.

As we entered the living room, all 5 heads turned to look at us. I feigned embarrassment. So far, our plan was rolling smoothly.

Taylor spoke up, "May I speak to Jack in private, please?" I didn't know what he wanted, but I let them go anyway. Taylor pulled on Jack's arm and took him out the front door.

Everyone was silent as Taylor slammed the door behind him. There was multiple shouts and curses from outside. When the yelling suddenly stopped, I got worried and rushed to see what happened. As I opened the door, the sight made me nauseous.

Jack was stood in the middle of my driveway, staring at his blood covered fist. Taylor was lain by Jack's feet, unconscious, in a small pool of his own blood. I was surprised to say the least. Honestly, I expected Jack to be the one on the ground.

Everyone followed me into the lawn to see what had happened.
"Call 911 !! " I ordered to no one in particular. Carter was the first to pull out his phone. Asian people are so quick.

Lindz cried as Shawn held her. I awed at how cute they were. I wish I had a man to hold me like that.

Lassie was hysterically sobbing as she held Taylor's limp hand in hers. What was her problem? I thought she was dating Nash for like, a long time.

Speaking of Nash, I wonder if he ever got home from the concert since it was like 2 am already.

Within 10 minutes, an ambulance was in my driveway. Lassie still held onto Taylor's hand as he was loaded onto a gurney and pulled into the ambulance.

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