Chapter 9

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Guys I'm sorry I didn't update I was really busy and I had finals so I hope this chapter ends up really long. Sorry again. Love you guys.


When we came back from chipotle taylor wanted me to go to his beach house. When we got there I saw that Lola was talking to Matthew a lot. I think she's gonna get some.

I wanted to talk to her so I did.

Me- Matthew can I talk to Lola really quick?

Matthew- yeah sure

I took Lola to the kitchen.

Me- I see that you and Matthew are talking a lot

Lola- yeah he's really nice

Me- I know you like do you think he likes you

Lola- I don't know but I really do hope he likes me

Me- I could get taylor to talk to him.

Lola- you could really do that!! Oh my god!! Thank you

Me- no problem. But now go with your future boo

Lola- this is why I love you.

Lola gave me a hug and she went back to the living room to talk to Matt. That's when I feel someone hugging me from the back. " hey babe" said taylor. " hey" I said. " I can't wait for tonight's party" he said. " me neither. Is a lot of people coming" I asked. " like 20" he said. " okay"I said.

There was nothing to do so taylor decided to put on a movie. We ended up watching 21 jump street. It was really good. I noticed that Matt and Lola were really close. I wanted them to hold hands already holy shit!

And that's when it happen Matthew finally held her hand. They looked at each other so cute aww. But I feel bad for cameron tho cause me and taylor are together and then Matthew and Lola are gonna be together. I just feel like he's alone.

The movie ended at 7:32pm and the party starts at 8:30 so I had to get ready. Me and Lola said bye to the boys and went to get ready. Lola did my hair. She straighten my hair and then put curls on the bottom. It looked really good. I also did Lola's hair. She really doesn't like her hair a lot and I don't know why cause her hair is beautiful but I ended up making her a beautiful fishtail. After doing Lola's hair I went to get my outfit for tonight. I picked out a black crop top with a black skirt that has red flowers on it. I also have black high heels and I picked out a cute necklace to go with my outfit. (The outfit it's on Instagram @onlyyou_taylorC)

Lola wore a white crop top with a pink skirt and white high heels. (Outfit on Instagram too @onlyyou_taylorC).

We were really to go. Ahh I was really happy for this party. " woow you look great Jennie" Lola said. "Thanks but look at you. Matthew is gonna die when he sees you" I said. "Okay then let's go see" she said.

We were ready to go. When we got to Taylor's house the house was full of people. Me and Lola went inside. It really did not look like 20 people were there. I finally spotted taylor.

Taylor- holy shit Jennie you look beautiful!!

Me- hehe thanks

Taylor- you want a drink

Me- umm sure

He gave me something to drink I think it was beer but I couldn't tell cause it was in a cup.

Hours passed and me and taylor danced and drinked. I think taylor is drunk cause he's dancing on top of tables. I wasn't drunk yet cause I really don't like alcohol.

The party was getting crazy people were going to bed rooms and bathrooms, and there was a bunch of people making out and one of those people were Lola and Matthew. See I knew they were gonna get together.

I couldn't spot taylor anywhere. Where the hell did he go? I was worried so I went looking for him around the house. That's when I finally spotted him :'(


How did you like chapter 9?

Cliffhanger or nah?

Haha hope you liked it and I'm sorry for late update

Anyways love you guys 😘


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