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I was right about the Barolo...

Christian had not only tolerated everything I had thrown at him - the ball gag, the prostrate milking and even the butt plug - he'd also found his own rhythm. I was kidding myself that I was in control as I rode his magnificent cock, whilst twisting and pulling at the butt plug in his ass. Despite consuming a bottle of wine to help him relax, the alcohol had had no affects on his libido as he thrust high and hard inside me, growling around the ball gag. He was going to explode like a volcano and I made damn sure I was there with him.

I felt the first tingles of my orgasm approaching and as I reached again to twist the butt plug, there was an ominous snapping sound from behind me. Before I could turn my head, Christian flipped me onto my front and the ball gag hit the wall. Broken links of the handcuffs peppered the bed as Christian gripped my shoulders and thrust wildly into me from behind. I could barely grip the sheets to hold myself steady as he lost himself with an animalistic loud roar.
"Yes, Christian! Yes! Yes!" I cried as my orgasm hit me and I clenched around his feral thrusts.
"I. AM. YOUR. DOM." He growled into my ear as he exploded deep inside me, pulling hard on my ponytail so that I arched against him.
Vesuvius erupting had nothing on Christian Grey...

That was six months ago and we had taken to our new roles like we had been destined to take this path. Christian had gone from sub, to college boy, to Dom and then CEO in that time and his newfound confidence and dominance was already producing astounding results. He'd already paid off the loan I'd given him and my shares in the newly formed Grey Enterprise Holdings were yielding enough collateral that Val and I had been able to put a down payment on our first salon. Christian and I were both leading busier lives, but we always made sure we pencilled in a 'meeting' somewhere at least once a week...

Bang on cue, my cell rings and it's the boy wonder himself.
"Good evening, Sir," I purr down the line. "How's your day been?"
"All the better for speaking to you." He responds. "How do you fancy a trip to New York this weekend?"
"New York? What do you have in mind?"
"I've had my eye on an apartment block in Fifth Avenue and my realtor has contacted me to say one of the Penthouses have become available. I'm going down to have a look and wondered if you wanted to come with. I could do with your expert opinion."
"So you just want me to come for my expert opinion?"
"No..." His voice becomes raspier. "I want you to come several times...Then I'll ask for your expert opinion on the Penthouse."
His response makes me laugh. "You're insatiable, sir."
"I cannot imagine why, ma'am." I hear the smile in his voice. "So...Are you free? I'm thinking Friday night to Sunday afternoon. I can book a suite at the Hilton and we can have a little mini-break whilst we're there. Christ knows I could do with one at the moment."
"Darling, I know you're driven, but you push yourself far too hard. You need to pace yourself a little more. Seattle wasn't built in a day."
He sighs. "I know. It's just that...With dropping out of Harvard...And not having any qualifications because I ploughed everything into getting GEH off the ground...I want...I NEED to prove myself to Mom and Dad."
I shake my head in exasperation. "Christian, YOU HAVE. Even I'm amazed by how well you've done, and I believed in you from the onset. Grace and Carrick are immensely proud of what you've achieved."
"But Elliot's the one with the degree," he mutters.
My anger simmers. "Christian, if I was there I'd give you a goddamn slap!" I snarl.
"Why?" He breathes in shocked whisper.
"Because you always put yourself down! How many times do I have to tell you? Yes, you had a shit start to life, but you have accomplished so much and still have so much more to achieve and you will, Christian. You WILL." I take a deep breath at the end of my agitated rant.
"So that's a yes to this weekend, then?"
"GRRR! Don't change the subject! Am I getting through to you?"
He sighs. "Yes, Elena. Thank you. You always have my back."
"Your back, your front and your goddamned ass if you don't start believing in yourself more!" I snap in annoyance.
"Okay! Okay! Jeez, I thought I was the one in control?" He gripes.
"You want control? Then take it. Right now, SIR." I hiss at him, rolling my eyes in frustration.
Why can he never see just how talented and worthy he is? That British shrink he raves about needs a Louboutined kick up the ass!
There is a few moments silence down the line and I have to pull my cell away to check I've not been cut off. I then hear Christian clear his throat.
"Argue with me like that again and I will make sure you don't sit down comfortably for a week." He growls down the phone. "I'll make all the arrangements, just get yourself to Sea-Tac on Friday and I'll meet you in the first class lounge - maybe you can quiz all those people who faff about with hair and make up about decent beauty suppliers and if they want jobs?"
"They're called Beauty Technicians, Christian. Do NOT call them facial faffers!"
He chuckles down the line. I'll try to behave myself, Ma'am."
"God help me," I mutter.
"What was that?"
"I can't wait to go. I'm going to start preparing."
"Pack light. We're gonna have improvise as canes, whips and floggers aren't going to get through security!"
"Mmm," I rub my chin. "We will have to improvise, but a vibrator and butt plug can fly under the radar and make for a VERY interesting trip..."

"...and through the living room is the master bedroom just down the hall," Olga Kelly the Realtor gestures with an elegant wave of her hand. "Please - explore. I'll fix us some coffees."
Christian nods and leads me down the corridor.
"Some place, huh?" He grins at me.
"Some place," I agree. "Although some palace might be more apt."
Christian pauses on the threshold of the bedroom door. "You think it's too much? My accountant has assured me I can afford the repayments..."
I frown. Something has been niggling me since he'd first suggested the trip. "Are you...planning on moving here?"
Christian spins to face me. "No! Of course not. My home is in Seattle with my family," he places his fingertips to my chin. "and with you. This will be just for business and short breaks."
I breathe in relief. The Penthouse was impressive and beautiful, but if he wasn't planning on moving to New York...
I run my fingertips over his hand. "Then why the need for the Penthouse suite? It's a fantastic building in an ideal location...but surely a two bedroom apartment in this block would suffice?"
Christian frowns, his gorgeous eyes clouding over. "I just want the best. For us."
I stroke his gorgeous face feeling the soft prickle of his stubble. "Oh, Christian. My darling boy. We can still have the best in one of the apartments. Get a Penthouse in Seattle...One high enough so you can survey your kingdom beneath you everyday."
His face breaks into a large smile and my heart flips like it has done since the moment he first smiled at me. "As always, you have the best ideas." He leans in and places a gentle kiss on my lips. "But let's check the bedroom out before we go..."

"I...Can't...Stopppp..." I pant breathlessly. "FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKK!"
I explode in a hard rush, pulling on the silk scarves we'd purchased from the Chanel store on the way back to our Hilton suite.
Somewhere in the haze of my orgasm I hear Christian's voice. "You came," he begins ominously. "After I specifically told you not to. Now...What should I do about that?" He breathes against the slickness of my sex where he's spent the last twenty minutes torturing me with his tongue and fingers.
In the haze of my orgasm, I can't form an articulated sentence.
He nips my inner thigh and I jump to attention. "Answer me." He orders sharply.
I blink open my eyes and find his stern grey gaze. "P-Punish me." I breathe.
He narrows his eyes at me.
SHIT! "Sir. Punish me. Please."
"That's better," he mutters and stands in one swift, graceful move. Placing his hands under my thighs he drags me further down the bed, stretching my arms out above my head where my wrists are bound to the headboard with the scarves. A moment later he slams into me whilst my body is still trembling with aftershocks from my orgasm. I cry out and he pulls back before ramming into me again. "Don't come again until I say you can," he growls. "Do you understand?"
"Ye-Yes. Sir."
"Good." And he pulls back again and thrusts deep making me cry out again. He finds his rhythm quickly, pinning my hips to the bed with rapid lunges, his breath hissing through his teeth. "Get ready to come, Elena." He pants. "I'm nearly there."
I can only nod frantically as I watch him, enraptured. His skin glows in a heated blush, his jaw strung tightly as his body races towards orgasm. A combination of regular visits to the gym, long runs and punishing workouts with Claude, have him not only in amazing physical shape, but also given him the stamina of a thoroughbred. He reaches down, grabs my calf and lifts my leg, placing it on his shoulder and reaches a spot deep inside me that no one else has. I feel my toes tingle as the first tremors of my orgasm begin to pulsate through me.
"NOW!" He roars as he explodes, hitting my orgasm head-on with perfect timing. He continues to thrust as I pulsate around him and then he swiftly releases the clothespins on my nipples and I bury my face in his neck to muffle my scream from the sensations. My body continues to clutch at him, taking everything he has to give me and offering no resistance. Not that I'd ever offer him any resistance. I thought Adam had possessed me as a Dom, but Christian, despite begin a novice in comparison, had possessed me on a higher level. He'd crawled under my skin and become a part of me.

And I wasn't going to let him go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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Love Is For Fools - Fifty Shades Of Grey: Elena's Story #Explicit [Fifty Shades]Where stories live. Discover now