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we used to know each other so well,
I want us to pick up the pieces.
we grew up, went together through hell,
but when you ask me out, my heart race just decreases.

can anyone ever start again?
pick up where they left it?
with you I feel like I'm condemned,
a broken and helpless piece of shit.

it's not that you make me feel this way,
but this burden on my shoulders,
how heavy it makes my body weighs,
like scotch tape and metal-made posters.

I want us to call this off and just go back to how it  was,
but I don't want you to go through that...
being with me gives you that buzz, at
and I don't know how to stop that.

our time together may be short lived,
but it's just too much for me to bear
and to you I know it feels like a gift,
but I no longer want to be a pair.

I'm sorry, I swear it's true,
life will get on without me.
but I've thought this through and through
I think we both need to be free.

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