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This poem is for my best friends who graduated today (I'm a couple of years younger so I won't see them for a long time). They have grown so much over the time I've known them, and I cannot be more proud.
This is for you guys.


As we lay down our guns,
Just for a moment,
We forget our tragedy that is plaguing the world.

As we cry and we hug,
Just for a moment,
Our friendship is stronger than a siren's wail at sea.

As you hand me the shrink wrapped flower,
Just for a moment,
My troubles empty through a drain in my mind.

As I watch you walk away,
Just for a moment,
I cannot understand how it came to this.

As you turn the corner of the hall,
Just for a moment,
I see ourselves and our memories flash before me.

As I sob and think of you,
Just for a moment,
I cannot be more proud of the people you have become.

As I watch my friends leave me once more,
Just for a moment,
I say to myself that this time it's good.

As I think back on our fondest memories,
Just for a moment,
I see why exactly you chose not to abandon me.

As I imagine second grade... lunch in the courtyard... GSA...
Just for a moment,
I remember that you will always be a part of me.

As Caitlin,
Mary Kate,
and Rhiannon
walk down the hall and away from here...

I live in that moment forever.

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