[6] The Galaxy In My Room

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Musutafu, Japan

  Morning routine was almost the same with just a few minor changes here and there. For one Hatake had to climb out of bed being sneaky not to wake Uraraka up but had difficulty doing so when a)Dino is sleeping on her chest and b)Hatake had a broken right arm with her entire right side being sore and aching.

  One way or another Hatake climbed out of bed and crutched her way down the small hall into the bathroom. She managed to take a shower as well as take the pain medications and sneak back out heading to the kitchen where she silently prepared food.

  It took longer with a broken arm but Hatake was able to manage on her own. Around the time everyone started to slowly wake breakfast was already prepared and set on the dinner table. First Iida woke, Uraraka followed, then Todoroki, and Midoriya came in last -although he had to be woken up by Dino as there wasn't any signs he'd be waking soon.

Manners coming first the teen group thanked for the food as well as thanking Hatake before digging in. They were kind enough to compliment the girl for her amazing cooking and giving her props for being able to cook with one hand, something they couldn't do.

As they ate Hatake sat in a crisscross position with Dino laying on her lap, on his back exposing his brown black spotted fur and little velcro latch that held the shark costume on. Her broken right hand rested on his stomach barley twitching her fingers doing the best to scratch whilst her left picked up the chopsticks slowly eating the breakfast and eventually just spacing out.

Everyone had realised the horned girl's mood yet didn't have the courage to speak up, their minds kept thinking back to that day that Mineta and Kaminari had angered her and how terrifying she became. Though to their stroke of lucky none of them had to speak up about Hatake's off behaviour as she did so herself.

"I need to tell you all something important," those few words were quick to catch the attention of the four sitting around the dinner table.

Plates set down and chopsticks set aside they gave their full undivided attention to the gold eyed girl. From observation Midoriya and Todoroki could see her clutching the table cloth underneath her left hand as well as taking the not-looking-at-everyone glance a sign that it was something huge.

"It's-it's about my Quirk..." once more Hatake broke off the sentence not understanding how she could reveal something so huge to them. She knew they were more than truth worthy yet the words were difficult to get out.

A hand was placed on her's. "You know we're right here if you want to say something, right?" Uraraka told offering a smile, a smile that brought relief to Hatake but not enough relief.

Deep breaths in and out through the mouth Hatake closed her eyes and allowed her mouth to move on its own. "My Quirk is a lie." Not needing to see Hatake knee their expressions were confusion and disbelief, perhaps something more than disbelief maybe even shock.

"Your Quirk is a lie?" Echoes Deku. "What-what do you mean by that Hatake? We've seen your Quirk in action, how can it be-be a lie?" She took another deep breath in and out.

"I don't have a Dragon Quirk, that was just a coverup story for my sake and for U.A. High's sake. My true Quirk is Disbelief, a Quirk that's considered to be extremely powerful if completely mastered. Some who know my true Quirk believe it can close level to All Might's Quirk." Gold eyes opened and dared to glance up to stare at the shocked faces of her classmates.

Hatake continued without skipping a beat.

"My Quirk allows me to enter a person's mind in my range and make their mind believe something that isn't there. Right now we're sitting in a grass field out in the farm side of a place staring up at the night sky which shows tons of beautiful stars and shooting stars, for example," the four glanced around instantaneously finding out that they were exactly where Hatake had described. "The mind is a powerful organ, it is what allows for our human bodies to move and allows us to speak, think, act, to do everything that we do. My Quirk allows me to tap into a person's mind and tamper with it to make the mind believe something fake is real and that it's there, and since the eyes are connected to the brain that's why a person will see it. Just how you all saw we were on the country side.

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