[19] Recovering with Friends and... Cats?

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Musutafu, Japan
In hospital

The next day was a tad better than the one before. Hatake spoke nothing more than five words when asked something and wouldn't really intervene in any conversations unless asked a question, most of the time she'd be staring off thinking aimlessly.

At first most of class 1-A, except Bakugou, came to visit Hatake but as time slowly trickled away the majority of them left having other business to care of, those that left apologized to Hatake for leaving early and the silver teen replied with her being fine. In the end only Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Asui, and Todoroki stayed talking of what happened over the four days she was missing... well at least the small moments of funniness.

Midoriya glanced over at Hatake worriedly, he'd noticed since yesterday that she hasn't smiled once and when she did the smile didn't seem quite right or even reach her eyes. He knew as well as the others that Hatake simply needs time, she was placed in a situation of danger and almost died from it, he knew she needs time yet can't help but worry for her.

"Ribbit?" Asui tilts her head looking past Iida's head. She caught the attention of others when they all, including Hatake, turned to stare at the open when feeling shocked when cats jumped through the window one by one making their way in and jumping on the bed.

"U-uh, ehh?" Uraraka is the first to stand up carefully making her way through the tons of cats to stare out the window. "EEHHH!!" In her eyes an army of cats were perched on the tree closest to the window. "Th-There are so many!"

"We should get someone to help us take them out," Iida suggests but stops when he turns for Hatake's approval.

She smiling.

A soft small smile but it was an actual smile, not one that's forced or out of place.

Her golden eyes follow as single cat climbing through the window making its way towards her. A single cat that wore a shark costume, a dirty one at that.

Dino jumped onto the bed pawing his way through the tons of cats that laid on the bed until he made it right in front of Hatake sitting on his butt staring up at her with a swish of tail.

"You silly kitty," smiles Hatake. "I can't believe you did this again."

"Again?" Deku repeats.

"Mhm. There was this one time that I got depressed, Dino sensed it and left. An hour later he comes back home with an army of cats behind him, the almost filled the entire mansion of Tenji-sensei's. He was sure shocked about it and almost lost his voice from trying to scare all the cats away," then the smile left just as the memory did.

  Once more a silence came over he group but this silence felt more light and less tense than before. Midoriya glanced at Hatake once more as she slowly combed Dino's head with a far away look in her eyes as they stayed on Dino.

  The teen group was able to stay for a few hours longer continuing to talk whilst simultaneously petting the tons of cats filling the small hospital room. Before long visiting hours were over, a nurse came in seeming unfazed by the tons of cats in the room as she informed the teenage group that their time was up.

  Hatake silently watched as they walked away after hugging her and whisking nice things into her ear. Todoroki was the last to hug her and when he did she held his short for a moment, eyes casted down with cheeks feeling a bit flush for the suddenly act. Her body moved on its own.

Apollyon (Bnha Fan/Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora