Charlotte Flair #8

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"...and just on the screen there you'll see your baby!" I looked between Charlotte and the scan before us.

"Wow!" She whispered in complete disbelief. Her grip around my hand tightened as her smile grew, her little dimples showing.

"I can't believe that is our own little one, we made that." She looked across at me, eyes fixated on mine.

Little moments like the one we were currently wrapped up in could not be more perfect.

"You'll be pleased to know baby is doing really well, growing, healthy, and happy." We both nodded, still not taking our eyes off each other.

"This has just made it a whole lot more real," I whispered, leaning forwards to press my forehead onto hers.

"Can you believe we're having our own child?" She asked.

"I don't think I'll ever believe we're having a child." Charlotte giggled, as did the midwife in the background.

"I'll give you to a minute to sort yourselves out." We didn't even acknowledge her as she left the room, laughing to ourselves in admiration.

"Does this mean we can tell everyone now?" Charlotte asked, moving back away from me. Her eyes were pictures of excitement and hope.

"I don't see why not." She squealed a little, placing her spare hand on her bump.

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