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Benny runs to Ethan's house, knocking on his door. Typically he would just walk in but it was earlier than normal. Benny got a text from Jess that morning, one of his and Ethan's best friends since they were 9 years old. She used to live in Michigan but ended up moving to Whitechapel after the messy split of her parents. She then lived with her Grandma in Whitechapel up until last year, when she went to stay with her brother, Spencer, at his college in Vermont for the Summer. She texted Benny saying that she was at the school early and needed some help setting some things up.

Ethan opened the door, completely ready for school yet it didn't start for another hour. He flashed his phone at Benny, showing him the text he had gotten from Jess and said, "Are you ready?"

"Is that a question? We've been deprived of Jess for way too long, it's now or never, E." Benny replied, a smile plastered on his face. "Do you think she's excited?" Benny asked as he watched Ethan shut his front door.

"How could she not be? It's us!" Ethan said confidently. Benny gave him a look and supressed a laugh. Ethan and him began to walk down the street when he thought out loud, "Yeah, there's a pretty good chance she won't be excited. It's us."

"Don't let that diminish your hopes, man. Best friends stay best friends. I'm not worried, you shouldn't be either." Then Benny remembered what went down the night before. "Ethan, do you think we should tell her about, you know, our powers?"

"Would it hurt if we didn't?" Ethan paused, thinking. "Maybe it will. We should tell her." Benny nodded, glad he didn't have to keep a secret from her.

Luckily, when they reached the school, the doors were open. They strolled in and saw the sunlight striking the lockers. Ethan yawned realizing how early they got up just so they could see Jess. She was a great friend and she mattered a lot to anybody who knew her.

"Hey, a little help up here?" A girl asked. She was standing on a ladder trying to hang up a banner for an upcoming fundraising event. Her black skirt fanned out and the sunlight reflected off the buttons and zipper on it. Her striped shirt remained steadily tucked in even though she was reaching as far as she could.

"Uh, sorry we can't. We told our friend that we'd meet her here." Ethan said. She glanced down at them and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I told my friends to meet me here and they're nowhere to be seen" She replied sarcastically. Ethan brushed his hair back awkwardly while Benny puffed out his chest in annoyance.

"Look, seriously, we can't help you. We told our friend that we wouldn't be late." Benny told her. The annoyance in his voice was evident. The girl sighed and turned towards them, still on the ladder. She had black hair that fell right around her shoulders and a few freckles dotted her face. Her emerald eyes seemed to sparkle in the sun. She climbed down the ladder and looked at them in the eyes. She was right around Ethan's height but that meant Benny was still taller than her.

"Yeah, go find your friend." She laughed, once again, being sarcastic. She crossed her arms and stood with an annoyed disposition.

"Hey there I don't know who you are but-" Benny started, but Ethan ended up interrupting him.

"Benny. Do me a favor and stop talking." He said. The girl cracked a smile and looked at Ethan. "Jess?" He asked. She rolled her eyes at the both of them. She hit Ethan on the arm playfully and laughed.

"Finally one of you has come to their senses." She said through a snort. Both of the boys broke into smiles as they joined in one big hug. "Nice to see you guys too!" She choked out. They pulled away from her and looked her over.

"You look...different." Ethan said, clearly at a loss for words. However, Benny was not. As Ethan said 'different', Benny called out "Hot!", making Jess giggle sheepishly.

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