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A/N: Hey all! So I just want to say thanks for reading and if you're still reading, thanks again! I initially started writing this for fun but then people started reading it so that's wild. Well, so far I've been sticking to the TV show script but I wanted to write the date scene between Jess and Benny as its own separate chapter. Once again, thanks y'all!

Jess sorted through her closet, trying to choose an outfit. She had no idea where Benny was taking her so she had no idea what to wear. She flipped through her closet, looking at all her new clothes. She was reminiscent of the times before she changed. She stumbled upon an outfit in her closet that she used to wear before this year. It was a baggy plaid shirt, unintentionally ripped jeans, and dirty converse. Jess sighed as she took out the outfit and examined it before placing it back in the closet. Her phone buzzed and she ran over to it.

"I'll be over in 5." Benny texted. Jess saw his text and began to panic. She wasn't ready at all. She randomly grabbed a casual dress from her closet. She ran to the bathroom as she was zipping it up. She used her free hand to brush her teeth. She made it downstairs and put her hair half up-half down while throwing shoes on. She was quite the multitasker. The doorbell rang as she adjusted her clothes and took a deep breath before opening it.

"Hey!" Jess said as she opened the door. She opened her arms and gave Benny a hug making him blush.

"Hey! You look great." Benny told her while looking her up and down.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Jess smirked. "Now will you tell me where we're going?"

"Sorry, Jess. Confidential." Benny shrugged as she extended her hand. He held it and tried to pretend he didn't have feelings for her. Jess groaned in annoyance.

"Fine. Well, let's get going." Jess locked her door behind her. Benny and her began to walk somewhere. The walk seemed so familiar, but she just wasn't sure where she was going.

"Hey Jess?" Benny asked. Jess looked up at him, her green eyes reflected the moonlight. "So when I walked up to you the other day, you were talking about the best Dusk movie. I thought you didn't like Dusk?"

"Well, yeah, I don't." Jess stated matter-of-factly.

"Then why were you talking about it? It seemed like you knew so much."

"Well, I think it's important to know a little about everything so you can have a conversation with everyone. Even if it's something you don't like." Benny looked down at Jess in awe. He couldn't help but think, I want to be with her. Money or no money. I want to be with her.

"Benny? Are you okay? You look exceedingly...happy."

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I mean no. I'm fine. I'm just excited."

"Me too. This is gonna be one wicked surprise." Jess said through a smile. Benny was a little disappointed to hear her say that. He didn't mean he was excited about the date location.

"Well, we're here." Benny motioned towards a picnic table next to a cliff that hung over the town. Jess looked shocked, but a good kind of shock. She let go of Benny's hand to walk over to the table. There was food set up and a few candles.

"Oh wow, Benny! This is absolutely stunning!" She cried. Benny walked over laughing sheepishly. He walked over to her and placed his arm around her shoulder. She placed a hand on his chest and looked up at him as he looked down at her. "This is perfect, Benny." She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek, making his face go red. She giggled a bit before sitting down opposite him at the table. He pulled out a few sandwiches and pop before laughing a bit.

"What's so funny?" Jess questioned. Benny looked up at her and motioned towards her sandwich.

"Look what you're eating. Remember grade 5?" Benny said. Jess looked down at her sandwich in confusion, before gasping and remembering.

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