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Scott's POV

There's only two things on my mind:
Cheese and how badly I messed up. I messed up bad. How could I just...kiss her? I head back to my job only to have some files pulled out in front of me. About me serving my time in jail..

"Shit," I curse user my breath.

"Heh..yup, you know what this is don't you?" My boss, Mr. Lee, says.

"I'm fired?"

"Hell no! You're promoted. I need someone who knows how to hide things for the job. You're perfect for it!"

"Woah..um...I did not expect that," I say, running my hand through my hair. "I also know who you are."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb. I'm friends with Hank and I work for SHEILD."


"That makes it ten times better so you can get the bigger stuff through the doors."


"Now you need to get going. Your girly friend needs you help."


"Just go. In your suit. Stark Towers."

"Okay!" I say, jogging off. I think the girl he's talking about is (y/n) but I don't really know...

She's my only girl who's my friend and I messed it all up. I just...I just hope she's okay.

I get on a bus and arrive at stark towers. What the flipping hell? This thing is huge!

"Who are you?"

"Scott...Scott Lang."

"What are you doing here?"

"My boss-Stan Lee-sent me to help with a girl who's my friend and she's apparently in danger," I respond cowardly. Why does this dude intimidate me so much?! He's like...ancient!

"You must be talking about (y/n)."

"Uh..yeah.." I pause, "In Antman..."

"That's the weirdest superhero name ever. I'm Hawkeye. Also known as Clint Barton," he held his hand out for me to shake, which I took.

"Is there any way to help?"

"You wanna come with us? I'm sure the team won't mind."

"Uh...if I can help."

"She's your friend, of course you should help."

We board the jet and I immediately get glances.


"Oh...hi...sorry about fighting you on top of a building that one time."

"I don't really care anymore. But why are you here?"

"My friend's in danger and I want to help her."



"You're here for (Y/n)...aren't you?"

"Yes-" I start, before I get cut off.

"Steve. What was she even doing? She could be hurt. Or-or worse! That dude is a master assassin!"

"Tony, I need you to calm down."

"I may be short but that doesn't mean I won't fight you," playboy, philanthropist, incredibly good looking Tony Stark said. I couldn't help it, but I snorted. Mr. Stark turned around immediately after I did, "And who are you?"


"Huh. And what do you do?"

"Shrink...or enlarge things."

"Prove it."

"O-okay," I stutter out as I press the button on my thumb. In less than a second, I'm on the ground (my arm goes numb) and everything's huge.

"Where'd you go? Where are you?" I move over towards a blond mid evil times dude.

"Over here!" I say, climbing into his shoulder. I press the button on my opposite hand and everything goes back to its regular size.

"Why is this mortal ant on my shoulder?"

"I have no idea, Thor," Tony beamed, his jaw practically on the floor.

"Guys! We're here," Cap tells us as I feel the jet land. (Do you even feel a jet land? I've actually never been on a plane, helicopter, or jet, so I wouldn't know.)

Once we land, we get out and see (y/n) fighting someone along with a ton of other men. Before I'm able to shrink, three men run up to me with loaded guns.

"Not today! Satan spawns!" I yell, as I shrink.

I run into the back of one of the guys knees and he falls over. The others come over to help me out, eventually knocking them out. I run over to a circle of the Avengers, which is around this Bucky dude, and advance on him.

After a while of fighting, we take him into the jet and I hear Thor and Loki start talking.

"It worked! Now let's get him back to base and we'll do some tests!"

I see Thor nudge Loki, "I told you she could do it."

"Didn't doubt her for a second."


It wasn't until we were getting out of the jet did I see (y/n) get dragged away by someone.


Heyo! I know I haven't updated in ages, but I have a good excuse. My sisters sweet sixteen was this weekend and I was in charge of making her cake, I made a present, and I had to figure out some other stuff. Thank you for 1K reads by the way!

Y'all are amazing! I'll see y'all later! Bye!

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