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This is the last chapter of the story. I know how many of you guys love this, but I have no creativity for it, and the last time I updated it was in August, so I think this'll be it. I don't know whether or not I'm going to do a sequel, but I most likely won't. Also, I did plenty of research with the serum before I wrote it down because I know how picky people can be, except the extraction thing cause I don't think that can actually happen. I'm also thinking of starting a Avengers One-Shots book, but idk yet.

Your POV

I walked into the living room to see Scott stretched out on the couch, a soda in one hand and the remote in the other. Now was probably the best time to talk to him. "Hey Scott?"

"Yes?" he answered. I began to get nervous. We've never talked about this before, so I don't know how Scott's going to react.

"We need to talk.."

"That's never a good thing. Are we breaking up? Are you pregnant? If it's either of those things, please let it be the latter," he said as he sat up on the couch and motioned me to sit down.

"I want to grow old with you, if we get there, but with the serum, I can't. I don't physically age, so even though I'm like one hundred something, I still look twenty-five. You'll be in your sixties, all wrinkly and stuff, and I'll look like I'm your daughter," I looked down to my hands, which were shaking slightly. "I don't know what you want to do, I don't even know what I want, other than a life with you."

He looked up at me. "Is that what this is all about? Call Stark up and ask if there's a way to reverse it or something.

"Is that all you have to say?" He nodded his head.

"It never hurts to call."

"Fine." I picked up my phone and dialed Tony's number. It rang before he answered.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Is there a way to remove the super soldier serum?"

"Yes, but it requires blood transfusions and needles. You know how you get with that stuff," he stated.

"Is there a way I can get an anesthetic when you have to use the needles?"

"I'm afraid not, it's just like when the serum was ejected into your blood stream. I have a machine almost like theirs, just it runs a little differently."

I hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "How long does the process take?"

"Not long, but you're definitely going to want to rest when it's said and done. It's extremely painful."


"Okay what?"

"I'll do it. I'll go through it. I've endured worse."

"Okay, when do you want to do it?" Tony asked.

"Does tomorrow work? Me and Scott are going to go see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom."

"Works for me."

"Thank you Tony, so much."

"Don't mention it, I suck at dealing with compliments. I've got to go though, Bruce is calling for me. Bye, y/n, see you tomorrow."

"Bye," I said as I hung up to phone.

"So are you doing it?" Scott asked as I set the house phone back on it's charger.

"Yep, now let's go see that movie. It starts at five, it's four now, it takes fifteen minutes to get there, then the good seating goes within the first twenty minutes."

"Okay, but what are we doing for dinner?" He asked, grabbing the car keys off the table. I grabbed my bag, which had extra snacks in it because I'm cheap and smuggling snacks is fun.

"Thinking Chinese take-out."

"Ooh, good idea. Which one are we-"

"Let's discuss this in the car so we're not late."

"Okay, but what size popcorn are we getting?"

"Car! Also, large for you, large for me."

"I like the way you think."

Time Skip to Tomorrow

"Now y/n, you're one hundred percent sure you want to go through this?" Tony asked as he opened the chamber. I gulped, yet nodded and willed myself to move forward. "Okay, I'm going to have you stand on the shoe prints, facing me." I did as he asked and he pushed the door closed. I felt to tips of empty syringes poke my skin. I almost shivered from the fear, but I kept still, afraid of what would happen if I didn't. "I'm turning it on now, stay strong."

I felt what felt like thousands of needles pierce my skin and everything seemed to drain from me all at once. I screamed from the intense pain. I just wanted it to be over, I wanted everything to be over. After what felt like two hours, though it probably wasn't even a minute and a half, everything was over. I gasped for air, and within seconds I fell to the ground after being release from the chamber. "Y/n!" I heard Scott call out for me as he cradled me in his arms.

I smiled up at him. "I'm normal, I'm fine, I love you."

"I love you too," he mumbled as he leant down to kiss me.

A Few Months Later

"Scott? Cassie?" I called out to a seemingly empty living room. I had my gun in my hand, bullets loaded, ready to strike at any second. All of a sudden, two figures popped out from behind the couch, shooting at me, I was shooting back at them. I was hit by one of them and I fell to the ground. "Man down! Blood! Blood! And death! Bleurgh!" I let my head roll to the side and I stuck my tongue out.

"We got you! We got you!" I heard Cassie screaming as her and Scott got out from behind the sofa.

"I think that was unfair," I stated. "Two against one? Rude."

"Well, now you've got to make dinner. You lost, that's the rule."

"Cassie? How do you feel about Domino's? Pepperoni for you and your daddy?" She nodded her head.

"Touché," Scott said, glaring. I stuck my tongue out at him and went to go order pizza for everyone. "Wow, y/n! So mature!" I chuckled and ordered the food.

I walked back into the living room. I sat down on the couch, Scott wrapped an arm around me and Cassie curled up next to me before her curious mind began to ask a question. "So, when are you going to become my mom? I know you'll technically be my step-mom, but still." I looked at her wit shock in my face.

"I don't know...depends on if this bozo decides to propose."

"Bozo?! What on earth are you talking about? I'm an idiot, not a bozo. Everyone knows that."

"You're right. How could I forget? I apologize."

"Hmm...Cassie, should I accept her apology?"


"You heard her, I accept your apology."

I kissed his cheek, "Good." I curled up into his side and wrapped my arms around Cassie. This is the life I want.

Two Years Later

"Hey y/n?"


"Let's go to the ice skating rink."

"Okay? Why?"

"Cassie will be there, it'll be fun anyways."


We arrived at the rink and we had our skates on. Surprisingly, we were both pretty good, so Scott brought both of us to the middle.

I expected him to fall when he started lowering himself, I just didn't expect him to get on one knee. "Y/n, we've known each other for a really long time, we've been dating for almost three years, and I want even longer. (Your entire name), will you marry me?"

I hand my hands covering my mouth as tears poured down my cheeks. "Yes! Oh my god! Yes!" Cheers erupted from all over the rink as he slid the (favorite color) ring onto my finger. He stood up and kissed me. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

This right here is the forever I want, and this right here is the forever I've somehow managed to receive.

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