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Here is the prologue to my new story. I'm quite motivated to write it, but you have to help me. I need some comments and votes to keep my motivation up.

Enjoy the small prologue and I hope you get a good look what happened.

I would be very thankful for feedback, because it helps me make the story better and you guys want a good story, right? ;)

See ya (^^)/


I watch Harry pace around the room. Harry is my best friend since birth. We do everything together. I have to admit that I lately feel more than friendship for the lad with gorgeous green emerald eyes and brown, soft curls. It started a few month ago as I noticed how he makes me happy and feel all giddy just by showing off those cute dimples of his. I never said anything though. I'm scared he doesn't return the feelings and that he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. I rather have him as my best friend than not in my life at all. Maybe I will tell him when he gets back from X-Factor. That's by the way the reason he is pacing around.

I get up, slowly getting a little annoyed by him pacing around. It makes me nervous too. With a tight grip on his shoulders I stop him. His green eyes find my blue. "Stop. That. Hazza." I say with a smile. "You gonna walk the carpet through."

He glares at me. "Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny, Louis, so fucking funny." he says his voice soaked in sarcasm. I just smile up at him. He was always taller than I am, even though I am older by a few month. Not even two, to be exact. 39 days to be even more exact. It never bothered me that he is the tall one though. I love when he embraces me in a hug and I can snuggle my face into his neck inhaling his scent. No, that's not creepy. Not at all.

"I know you're nervous Haz, but you gonna do great." I ensure him. "They will love you and if they dare saying something stupid I will get out there and fight them." I say with a serious look on my face. Harry starts smiling before pulling me into a hug. I take a deep breath. Vanilla and strawberry, as always.

"Thanks Lou. I really appreciate your support." Still hugging each other the door to his bedroom opens. I see his mom, Anne, enter and she smiles at us. I smile back at her as Harry steps back and turns around. I can't stop but feel sad because of the coldness his body left with leaving mine.

"We have to leave now." Anne says with a smile. We nod and follow her, Harry in front of me. I ruffle through his hair, knowing he hates it, but I love it. So I just smile at his glare towards me as we go to the front door.

It's only Anne and I supporting Harry today at X-Factor. His dad and Gemma sadly have no time to tag along.


"Harry?" I say before my best friend and secret crush has to go on the X-Factor stage.

He turns to me with a nervous smile. "Yea?" he asks with raised eyebrow. I sigh and pull him in a hug.

"Promise me you won't forget me once you're famous, okay?" Harry chuckles as he tightens his grip around me for a moment.

"Of course I won't. You are my best friend, Lou. How could I forget you?" He pulls away and smiles at me. "I promise." I return the smile.

"Now get them, tiger." I say with a chuckle and nod towards the stage door. Harry rolls his eyes, but smiles as he leaves Anne and me alone.

I can't stop my smile from disappearing as soon as he is gone.

"It's gonna be alright, Louis." I look at Anne, who is smiling at me sympathetically. She knows about my fear that Harry thinks he is better than I am once he is famous. I give her a forced smile. Something tells me Harry will change. I have the feeling nothing will be alright and he won't keep his promise.

My right hand goes to the ring on a necklace. It's Harry and I's friendship sign, if you wanna call it that. He wears the ring on his finger, I around my neck with a silver chain attached to it. Engraved in it is an L and an H with the infinity symbol between the letters.

I never thought that my nightmare is going to become true only a few weeks later...


I hear the door behind me open with a squeak. I don't look up, because I know who it is. I just keep on staring at the ring I turn between my fingers. Why can't I just throw this stupid thing away? Why? It clearly doesn't mean anything.

"Louis." the person says quiet. "You know that's not helping you at all." I sigh at the true words.

It's been a year since Harry won X-Factor. It's been one year since I saw him last. Over a year since he last had contact with me. One year since my heart broke and it's still not glued back together. I'm not sure if it ever will.

"I know, Anne." I get up with a long exhale. With one last look at the room I once called my second home I turn around and look at my ex best friends mom. "I will never come back here. I'm done with crying over him."

She sighs and steps forward to pull me in a hug. "Oh, Louis..." she mumbles. Tears start forming in my eyes as I shut them close tight. "I know it hurts. I haven't seen him in person in a long time too." she tries to calm me as I started sobbing.

I told her about my feelings for her son a while back. I told her I had a crush on him and she told me Harry had too. He just never was able to sort those feelings towards me right. I did believe her at first, but not anymore. If you love someone, you don't just stop being in contact with them.

I take one last deep breath before pulling away from Anne. I give her a weak smile. "I'm going to move on. I can't continue crying about someone who clearly doesn't care about me at all." Anne sighs.

"Louis, you know-" I shake my head, what makes her stop talking. I give her one last quick hug ans peck her cheek. She was always like a second mom for me. The Styles family was always like a second family to me. Not anymore.

I walk past Anne, out of the bedroom and into the hallway to get to the front door. I'm not looking back as I walk through said front door and down the few blocks to my house, my home. My only home. I don't care about the tears that are leaving my eyes. Goodbyes always hurt.

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