Vier (Four)

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Liam and I get out of the car. We brought Perrie to the family she will be staying with. They have a girl my age, Eleanor. I remember her not that well. I think she was a cheerleader or something. She seemed nice. We got invited inside, but we had to decline. My mom is waiting and I honestly wanted to get home. The ride back here was long and exhausting.

   So now we are here in front of my old house and I am nervous. I wasn't home in so long and I'm honsetly scared. What if everything changed?

   I don't have time to think more, because the door opens and my mom comes running towards me. I open my arms while smiling wide and walk towards her, meeting her half way. We hug each other tight and I hear her sob.

   "Hi mom." I mumble feeling myself get emotional as I stroke her back up and down soothingly.

   "My baby is back. Oh Harry, I have missed you so much." she says and I hear that she is about to burst out in tears. That's definitely not what I want.

   I pull back and smile at her, wiping a tear away that left her eyes. "I've missed you too, mom." I turn around and point at Liam to introduce him. "Mom, that's Liam. My best friend." As I said this, something showed in her eyes, but it was too quick and I couldn't identify it.

   "Hello Mrs Styles, thank you that I can stay with you." My mom smiles at Liam.

   "Oh darling, call me Anne, and no problem. Friends of Harry are always welcome." she says so lovingly. Her eyes meet mine again and she cups my cheeks. "You grew so much. You have to tell me how your life is right now." She let go of my face and starts to walk inside. I exchange a look with Liam, who smiles at me before we follow her, our suitcases behind us.


It's monday morning as I make some pancakes for breakfast. Yesterday was a relaxed day. I talked with my mom and Gemma stopped by from uni and we just catched up on each others life, which was a lot to catch up on. Perrie and Eleanor came over at some point and we spend the rest of the day together. It was amazing and I never really noticed how much I have missed my mom and Gemma. Especially as we cooked diner together. We always used to do this before X-Factor.

   "That smells amazing, Harry." I look up to the door of the kitchen and smile.

   "Good morning Liam. I hope you are hungry." He smiles and sits down at the table. My friend looks really tired, but who can blame him? I'm very tired myself. That I make breakfast woke me up a little, but still.

   "Sure. For your pancakes always." I chuckle and put the last pancake on a plate. He is one of the few who had the honour of getting my not that famous breakfast pancakes.

   I put some on a extra plate and take a post it to write something on it before putting the other one on the table. I get another two plates and two mugs, pouring coffee in them. The exta plate is for my mom. I write her a quick note that they are for her and she should enjoy them and I hope she has a good day at work. She gets up in maybe two hours and I want her to sleep. She really needs it.

   "Excited for your first day back in school?" Liam asks, taking a pancake as I get the syrup.

   I snort. "Well, I'm nervouse. How will the students react and will they treat me normal or like a celebrity?" I sigh as I sit doen across from him and ignore his amused look. "How about you?"

   He groans. "I hoped I would never have to step inside a school again." Now it's my turn to look at him amused. I get a pancake myself and start eating it.

   "Well, let's eat up and get going. We still have to go to the office to get our stuff." Liam nods and so we eat up and drink up to get ready.


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