summer = dead to me

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wow. It's summer!

The three months almost everyone waits for, and then proceeds to just sleep on the couch and eat potato chips all day. Or at least that's what I do, and I've seen so many memes about everyone expecting to have so many plans but then being super lazy. Lowkey, I kind of didn't want the school year to end.

I had such amazing teachers, and I connected so well with my English teacher, and she taught me so many things and made my entire school day so much more bearable knowing I had a chill class that was easy and fun at the end of the day. Tbh, I can almost 100% say that I was her favorite student. I won't go into that tho lol

Eighth grade, and middle school in general was so life changing for me, and moving to this school district before 6th grade started was probably the best decision my parents ever made. I've met so many new friends, created so many new memories, and most importantly, looked at so many memes.


In sixth grade, I sang parodies of songs in front of the class about history for a grade with one of my closest friends, line danced in OPA, and even got shipped for the first time. (We don't speak of that ship name lol) and so many others!

In seventh grade, we went to Funplex, had our science grades suffer because of Mrs. Gorman (on people on 7-2 understand the struggle of having the Gormanator oof) and met almost my entire friend group from challenge art. (Not to mention I also realized a kid had a crush on me... I guess my mixtape isn't the ONLY fire thing around here ayyyye lol)

In eighth grade, we bopped at the dance, Logan and I's talent show performance kind of flopped, and we went to Hershey Park!

Of course, I could go on and on about the amazing things we all did during school, and now that it's summer, I actually really want to go back to school. We already took our Disney vacation, gone to the beach a few times, seen our cousins in Florida, which is basically all I was looking forward to since I knew I was going to miss all of my friends' graduation parties. Of course, there was the occasional hangout, but with summer activities it's kind of hard to get together. But when we're in high school next year, we'll have at least one class with a friend, not to mention how we can sit with whoever during lunch, meaning there is a 100% garuntee well be able to hang out with our friends. I'm just so done with being bored everyday, I want to go out and do stuff, like bike to 7-11/Riv's or walk to a friends house (which I can do both of those things very easily, I live close to all of the above) yet my parents are so strict that I can't do anything alone. Half the time I have to take one of my siblings, which is even better!

okay now I'm just getting kind of off topic but basically can summer end? thanks bye

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