lol yt grind never stops

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To be honest I'm not really writing for anyone specifically at this point, I just think that this book is just a giant mess of late night thoughts and some things I can't say in front of people's faces.

But I don't really care anymore, so I'm just going to shamelessly self promo in case anyone cares enough to want to know what is being said on my other social media stuff:


(I post 1-2 every week or so, I do vlogs, tags, storytimes, advice etc)

Instagram: (not my main but I'm not going to share that) @whaleoatz

(I post every few days/daily)
If anyone who does not go to my school manages to find my main through Wattpad and dm's me the word "hey loser you like hot sauce" then you'll get a follow. Get to finding fam

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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