Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stayed in the forest. I wasn’t ready to face Tigertail or the Clan. I stayed in the forest, too tired to hunt, even if it hurt to just sit there. At sunhigh it became too much. I walked through the strong sunlight and followed the scents to a rabbit hole. I concentrated and the rabbit was too far down the hole, the top was stale. I walked to another hole in the hunting crouch to find another, fresher, rabbit hole.

I scratched the entrance and a flash of black fur come hurtling through the tunnel. I pounced as soon as the rabbit’s ears were above the ground. I bit the rabbit’s neck. It fell limp. I dropped it and planned to get more prey before I grabbed some for myself back at the camp.

I followed the smells to different holes and pounced on the prey over and over. I soon gathered enough prey to head back. I knew how to hunt, especially in newleaf.

I picked up the couple rabbits and walked back to camp. At the brambled entrance, I saw Stormclaw. She had her eyes closed, so I went silently in front of her and sat down. I dropped the rabbits and she jumped into a battle position. when she saw who it was, she backed up.

Oh Tigertail, I thought you would understand. “Here is some prey for the Clan.” When I spoke, Stormclaw jumped again. I stood up and walked a few steps back, leaving the rabbits in the open. I felt fur against me and I looked up to see a starlit cat with green eyes mirroring my own staring at me.

Squirrelflight spoke only to me. “We also thought he could be trusted, Zenstar. StarClan grieves as well. Face the Clan. See what happens.”

“Thank you Squirrelflight.” I whispered. Stormclaw’s gray fur and amber eyes were shaking. I ignored her and took up my rabbits again. I walked down the trail to the Clan.

When I emerged from the entrance, I heard whispers. I looked over the Clan. Tigertail stood at the head of the group, looking worried but pleased. I sighed, “Tigertail. I thought I could trust you.”

“I couldn’t possibly keep this kind of misery away from you, could i?” His voice sounded different.

I looked at him and saw the shadow’s brown eyes instead of Tigertail’s amber eyes. “Jake. I know your name. Why are you doing this?”

“You must be more mouse-brained than I thought to think I wouldn’t take advantage of giving your secret to your Clan.” He narrowed his eyes. “Now that they know, I will use them against you.” He stood back up. “But not today. I want more of a challenge, and I have to wait to have a challenge.” Tigertail’s amber eyes returned and I ran to him.

Tigertail fell, but when he saw who was trying to help, he just glared at me. “You betrayed me. Why didn’t you tell us before?” He looked mad and saddened.

“I… I couldn’t. What would you do? Exactly what Jake was trying to tell you to do.” I tried to explain, but no cat was going to have anything to do with it.

“You lied to me!” Spottedclaw yelled at me. My own mother. “You should have told me and we could have protected you!”

“What could you do to protect me from myself? My own destiny? What could you do?” I yelled.

“We could be there for you, like you were for me.” Speckleleaf. “You saved my kits. Your knowledge can be used for our Clan, not against.”

“You saved me.” Tallfoot. “I would’ve died from infection if you hadn’t used your gift.”

“She could have easily left us to die.” Tallfoot nodded at Speckleleaf’s words and they both stood at my sides.

Snowstar came through the crowd. “I have heard the news. Zenpaw, is this true?”

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