Chapter 2: After the show!

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Luke: So you came here alone and we saw you twice in meet and greet and now your backstage with us! I'm guessing you've had a rough childhood! Seeing by the way your arms are cut up and scarred!
Y/N: You could say rough but I viewed it as torture!
Ashton: Omg Y/N you're so beautiful you don't deserve this pain but I'm guessing I didn't either! *He unclips all of this bracelets and spits on his hand and rubs of the foundation* I hide it during shows but yea! *It shows huge scars that looked painful and deep but they look similar to yours which were up and down both of your arms*
Y/N: I'm sorry Ash that you went through that! I knew there was a tweet about it but I thought it was just a rumor!
A: it's okay I'm kind of over that part of my life not quite as you can see: * He points out three fresh ones that you didn't notice before!*
Y/N: Oh Ash I'm sorry! *You hug him!* But yea it was and finding you guys was the best thing I ever could have done you encouraged me to stop, well I'm trying slowly but surely!
Calum: Well Y/N you are extremely beautiful!
Y/N: Thanks Cal but you don't need to pity me none of you do!
In unison: We're not pittying you Y/N we mean it!
Michael: Y/N you are one of the most beautiful girls we've ever seen!
Y/N: Ok stop it I'm blushing!
C: We noticed lol! Hey I know this is probably shocking but the guys and I all talked and since your here a lone we wanted to invite you back to our place?
Y/N: Are you kidding me? Yes Yes Yes of course! You don't know how much this means to me!
M: I can tell how excited you are so I'm guessing it is!
Y/N: Heheh yea!
L: Follow us now there's gonna probably be a huge crowd around the bus but we'll shelter you!
Y/N: Okay I believe you! *You follow them to the bus and they were right it was a huge crowd and you all finally get on and you get on unseen*
C: Y/N you can sleep with me if you want tonight?
Y/N: Ok I'll put my stuff with yours where is it? *Calum takes you to his bunk which is on the bottom and there's another bunk across from it and you put your stuff there* Is that okay?
C: Yea that's fine plus the reason I asked is because our house is two hours away where no one knows us!
Y/N: Oh okay thanks!
L: Hey Y/N are you hungry we have pizza?
Y/N: Uh sure I can eat! Plus I didn't eat anything all day so that actually sounds really good!
A: Alright then you and Cal get in here and stop making out!
C: ASH! *Calum and I both blush really hard and go in the kitchen and Calum slaps Ash! You want me to really tell Y/N about you and Luke?
Y/N: *I start to giggle and mumble 'I knew it'*
A and L: What was that Y/N?
Y/N: Oh just an I knew it! I could tell from the start with the shoulder kisses and the way you look at each other that Lashton was real! Tehehehehe!
L: Damn it Cal!
Y/N:Trust me I won't tell anyone I kind of have no really friends they all eventually left because they didn't care about me and my according to them bull shit reasons to cut and my parents know about it but don't care!
M: Oh Y/N I'm so sorry that happened to you!
Y/N: It's okay I mean it could have been worse I could have been killed by my dad when I was younger so yea!
*They all get up and give her a big hug and she then noticed that she was crying!* Oh shit I'm sorry!
C: No it's fine you're okay, your with us now!
Y/N: Wait what do you mean with us now?
C: Guys should I?
A, M, and L: Yea you can!
C: Ok we talked and were wondering if you'd like to move in with us?
Y/N: *Shock just takes over your face!* Oooof course I'd like that thank you! If I could get my stuff from my house first then yea!
L: Of course you can do that Y/N! Where is it?
Y/N: In town it's like fifteen minutes away!
A: Okay you heard her Gary fifteen minutes in town!
Y/N: Thanks guys you are honestly my heroes and don't worry about my parents they're druggies and most likely asleep so if you want you can help me get my stuff oh and don't freak out when you go in my room there are posters yes!
M: We kind of figured there would be!
Y/N: okay plus I have at least over $5,000 hidden in my room for when I go to college!
A: Ok that's good I mean you'll be able to get stuff when we travel the world soon so yea plus will probably feed you or you'll get free stuff because of us so yea it's good to have money!
Y/N:* The bus arrives in front of your house* alright guys you ready?
In unison: Hell yea
Y/N: okay there is a hidden key that only I know is there cause my parents normally forget so let's go! *You all get off the bus and go on the porch and you unlock the house and go up to your room and the boys follow* okay everyone just grab a bag and just packet it please!
All together: On it *They all get a suitcase and start one drawer at a time and just dump it in while you get the sock drawer cause you don't want them finding your blade but then you remeber that you hid it in your jewelry box last night you see Calum going for it and you grab it before he can!*
Y/N: * I grab the blade and shove it in my pocket and dumb everything in the suitcase and then every drawer is empty and we start taking everything off the walls and then we go to my closet and we manage to pack everything in three and a half bags! We hury out of my room the guys go the bus and I kiss my parents good bye and left the note I wrote on the way there and I grabbed my food that I payed for and shoved it and my drinks in my bag and went out to the bus!* okay we're good to go!
All the guys: Yea!

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