Chapter 6: In the Morning!

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A,L, and M: Wake up lovers it's 11!

Calum and you both stir awake* hmm *Calum looks at the clock* Y/N…. Y/N time to wake up my love!

Y/N: *Kisses him good morning* morning my love!

C: You look beautiful with bed hair haha!

Y/N: Oh stop it babe and so do you lol!

C: okay fair enough!

You both get dressed in fifteen minutes and go out to have pretty much at this point brunch!*

L: There's the lovely couple!

C: Nice to see you to Luke!

A: Stop picking on my Senpai! *pulls Luke in protectively*

C: Ok Ashton you don't need to get all protective I was joking!

Y/N: *You let out a tiny giggle*

M: Well it was kind of funny what Luke said haha!

Y/N: Yea sorry babe I do have to agree with Mikey on this one!

C: *Shoves you playfully*

Y/N: okay you wanna go fine! *you shove him forcefully on the couch and start to vigorously make out with him!*

L: Come on guys get a room!

Y/N: *You stop kissing him and get off of him and go back to where you were before* he asked for it so…..

C: uuuuhhhhh……….. What just happened!

Y/N: You ask for it hottie!


A: okay you two just gonna stay there or come get breakfast?

*Ashton made fresh chocolate pancakes*

L: Babe throw me one!

A:*Gets a pancake on a spatula and throws it behind him and Luke catches it with his mouth*

L: *muffled* Nice throw babe!

Y/N: You go over and get a plate for you and Calum to share!

C: Thank you

Y/N: No problem! *You kiss his cheek* So what are your plans for today?

L: Well we have sound check at five and doors open at seven and we go on at nine!

Y/N: I know I live in Australia but would wanna show me what you’s did growing up?

A: Why not that sounds fun! The concert is at the Wells Fargo Center Australia so it's not far maybe an hour away so yea we'll be fine!

A half hour later:

Y/N: hey that was amazing the arcade was the best and the park was fun I had a good time but isn't it time for sound check soon?

C: Yea I think we should go now then I guess!

L: I call shotgun!

A: Well I'm driving! Mickey’s the third wheel in the back then lmao!

Y/N: Im by the window on the right side!

C: Well I'm obviously in the middle next to you lol!

Y/N: Damn right you are! Hehe

C: awe you're giggle is so cute

Y/N: shut it before I hit you *blushes*

C: Well it's true!

Y/N: no it isn't stop lying!

C: why would I lie to you?

Y/N: idk just arg

C: babe are you okay?

Y/N: yeah I'm fine just….

C: ik you aren't okay tell me what's going on in your thoughts!

Y/N: Calum drop it please I said I'm fine so I'm fine!

C: I know your not but okay I'll let it go for now!

Y/N: thank you!

C: we will talk about this later though my love!

Y/N: Fine whatever makes you happy *you say sarcastically*

C: I love you!

Y/N: love you too!

*You arrive at the stadium for sound check and all pile out and the boys get there instruments and start to play invisible and then play the whole show but little do you know Calum has a surprise instite for the show tonight*

*The shows gonna start and you backstage motivating Calum that's he's gonna do amazing and little do you know about the ring in his pocket!*

*They play half of the show and Calum speaks and says he has a special surprise for a special someone and tears are already briming at your eyes as you here your name be said and that Calum wants you on stage*

C: Y/N I know I haven't know me long but you've known me a while because of the band and when I met you the two times for that meet and greet I really felt my heart stop and I knew it was love at first sight and when you talk to me I can't help but stared at your beautifulness and your perfection and ik you might not think that way about yourself but I do and I do love you and this is why I must aks you this *he gets in one knee and pulls the ring out of his pocket* will you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/M please marry me?

Y/N: *at this point your full on crying and are speechless at what you were just told and asked* Calum I….. Yes I will marry you oh my God yes yes yes I will! *He gets up and you hug him and kiss him and admire the ring and the crowd has just recorded the beautiful moment and are all cheering this is one if the happiest days in your life apart from moving in with Calum and even dating him*

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