chapter 3: The run in

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Clary's pov:
Seeing Jace made my heart skip a beat and i honestly dont know why but i could see he was agitated when he turned to face me and I instantly became frightened because everyone knew that when Jace is mad, he can be dangerous.

"What are you doing here red?" Jace asked and I shook my head

"I could ask you the same thing for you but I'm here because I needed a quick snack and last time I checked I can go wherever I want" I said somewhat confidently making Jace smirk

"That's a surprise standing up for yourself but you see red, I'm a lot smarter and faster than you so make a wrong move or say the wrong sentence, I will hurt you" Jace said leaning in close to Clary's face who stiffened a little

"Whatever Jace I know you won't I mean you constantly mess with me but you wouldn't go as far to actually hurt me" Clary said placing her hands on her hips before Jace moved closer to her making her back hit the fridge door, cornering her. Her heart started to pound even harder at how close they were to each other and she could tell he felt his heart start beating harder because his breathing picked

"Your right red I won't hurt you not intentionally I'll see ya at school" he said smiling taking in her looks before pulling away and heading to pay for his drink

"Oh and you should wear that perfume all the time it smells nice on you" he added before leaving, leaving a very stunned and blushing Clary alone who quickly bought her things before heading home.

------------------time skip-------------------
Clark was sitting up in her room on her laptop in a group chat with Iz and Mag when she got a message from Simon

Simon: Hey Clare-Bear um question

Clary: what's up Simon you haven't talked to me in like forever

Simon: yea that's not important right now you like Jace? Be honest Clare

Clary: I...i don't know I mean I get all flustered around him and all

Simon: alright well I gotta go I'll text you later bye

Clary: bye

Clary was confused on the conversation since Simon never asked personal questions since he abandoned her in junior high let alone talked to her anymore. Clary sighed getting up to take a shower before curling up in bed thinking of Jace when Clary heard her name be called making her get out of bed and go downstairs

"Yea mom" she called walking into the kitchen where she found her mom, Luke and a boy about 20, pale blonde hair and her mothers eyes

"Mom who is this and what is he doing in our home?" She asked getting defensive

"Clare this is your brother Sebastian"

Sorry this is late guys but I've been busy love you all

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