Tagged Again?

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Rocketthedragon has tagged me!

I has been tagged again! Wow I can't believe it!
Alright, here we go:


Last song?
Aaaahhh does singing count?
Immortals from Big Hero 6. It's sad that song never caught on as well as Frozen's Let it Go.

Hair colour?
Snowy white, fading into a gold.

Favorite colour?
Okay so I have four actually - violet, sky blue hot pink and Hufflepuff yellow but if I had to pick one, Hufflepuff yellow.

Favorite food?

Okay that's random... 75%.

Celebrity crush?

Favorite vegetable?
Mmmmmmmm imma have to pick... lettuce.

Eye colour?
Sky blue.

Shoe size?
Depends on the country I'm in.

Dream job?
Author, artist, and pet shop owner! Also vet ;3

I tag anyone who's reading this and wants to do it!

2018 Winged Kitten Art vol. 2 - Summer DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now